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크리쳐 Creature/미분류

런던의 늑대인간 흉상 Change-o head Anamerican Werewolfin in London

by webohi 2022. 5. 11.

I do believe in Karma, I do believe in Karma, after I did my April’s fools post, I decided to scan change-o head 2.

I practically gave myself a hernia getting it off of a high shelf in storage.

It is a thick silicone and ultra cal master must weigh 75 lbs.

I’m not as strong as Tom Savini, I can only do twenty push ups, Well to make a long story short, while scanning and moving it around it slipped off of the turntable and smashed my finger.

It just got the tip I don’t think it is broken it is black and blue and hurts. That is what you get Rick for being a wise ass.

I have to say I love ZBrush even though this is a scan ,in ZB I can decimate it, boolean out parts I don’t want add teeth and fix any discrepancies in the scan.

I have been using ZBrush for many years almost from the beginning of ZB it was a different animal then but still I loved it.

I started to poly paint and add fibermesh to this guy but ZBrush crashed while I was trying to add more before I saved. At least I have this basic keyshot render of what I have done up to this point.

Getting closer. Not a fancy #kyshot render just a basic one I haven’t really messed with the materials,it is pretty much just as it looked from.

Well I still don’t really know how to use Keyshot properly but even so I was able to get a decent image.I ’m looking forward to really understanding this program. My ZBrush sculpt from a scan of my master of change-o head 2.

