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웨타 Weta Workshop

엘렌딜 반지의제왕 웨타 WETA - Elendil

by webohi 2022. 9. 16.

출처 : https://www.wetanz.com/shop/figures/elendil


- Price : $549.00

- Limited Edition

- Dimensions : (W x H x D) 22 cm x 46 cm x 22 cm

- Weight : 7.71 lbs (3.5 kg)


As armies clashed on the slopes of Mount Doom, King Elendil stood against the might of Mordor, his mighty sword Narsil cutting a swathe through the bloody tide of Orcs that hurled themselves at him, crashing and falling away like waves upon a blade of stone.


Yet there was one enemy greater than all others, against whom none could stand. Raising his eyes above the melee, Elendil beheld the Dark Lord Sauron; a great, black-armoured figure, mace in hand, advancing upon him.


So long as the One Ring burned with fiery intensity upon his armoured finger the Lord of the black land was inexorable. No blade could pierce his armour, no shield withstand his strike. Every sweep of his huge, jagged mace sent men flying, and the courage of Elendil’s bravest warriors faltered.


As his men shrank before the advance of this foe, Elendil alone strode forth to raise his blade against the towering black figure. Should the Alliance fall, Middle-earth would be forever lost. The son of Númenor must prevail, lest darkness reign in perpetuity. With teeth gritted, pale eyes glinting with the light of hope, and purpose like polished steel, Elendil swung his great sword Narsil…



- 1:6 scale, Limited Edition

- Depicts King Elendil as he appears in the Battle of the Last Alliance

- Digitally sculpted by Fabio Paiva with reference from the original movie costume

- Designed to be displayed with companion piece Sauron, Lord of the Rings.

I faced numerous difficulties with Elendil's sculpture in terms of details and overall feeling, especially considering that it will coexist with Sauron. Working on Sauron first gave me the assurance that I could accomplish the same for Elendil, and I believe both pieces now demonstrate the incredible work that everyone put into them.
Fabio Paiva – Sculptor, Wētā Workshop




Tolkien crafted an immensely rich and detailed world filled with years of history, culture, and complex relationships. To try and recreate, or at the very least represent, the depth of a world such as Middle-earth on screen was a colossal task. One which Wētā Workshop Co-founder and Creative Director Richard Taylor described as "being perched on the edge of a precipice; the weight of the expectation that comes down on you at that moment is quite extraordinary."

Despite the somewhat longer than usual runtimes for Peter Jacksons’ trilogy of films, the amount of information that needed to be conveyed required a careful use of visual storytelling to support the world that Tolkien created. One such element lay in the design of armour, and its ability to contain the histories of the culture that developed it.

For Elendil’s armour, that was the history of Gondor, of the line of Kings, and a story of broken lineages. The Seven Stars and the White Tree, symbols of Gondor. The sea bird feathers, an artifact enduring from the times of Númenor. And, a unique colouring of red, indicating royalty.

One detail of particular significance was the imagery of the crown, worn by all the soldiers of Gondor as part of their heraldry. After the breaking of the line of Kings, the symbol of the crown was worn no more, and it was only until Aragorn’s coronation that this symbol was used once more, denoting the return of the King.

It is this subtle symbology that helped to bring the depth of Middle-earth to the big screen, and it is that same dedication to detail and design that we now bring to our collectibles, further cementing and celebrating that vast world that was explored within The Lord of the Rings - and that we continue to explore even now.

- High King of the Dúnedain, King of Arnor, King of Gondor - 


Once again, my contribution on a highly complex piece. My work alone, sculpting and print prep took roughly 300 hours and in the end, there were almost 50 separate pieces to be 3D printed, cleaned, molded, cast, cleaned again, painted, assembled and photographed by the amazing team at Wētā Workshop and Wētā Workshop Collectibles. This piece would never exist without the work of a lot of people. I'd say as much work go into print prep as it goes into sculpting, so you can see a little bit of it on the torso part. 

