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[DB] T-800 디자인 터미네이터 Terminator T-800 Design

by webohi 2023. 3. 10.


It's much more technically advanced than the endoskeleton in the first movie. It's actually artistically advanced beyond the endoskeleton in the first movie. But these things are subtleties that only we as the artists and technicians will see.

TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY's new T-800s assembled in Stan Winston Studio.

Stan Winston adjusts the full-size T-800 puppet on the set of T2: JUDGMENT DAY.

A full-size T-800 puppet scans for Resistance fighters in TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY.



We try to re-create life… that is what our job is. We are duplicating life. We are duplicating Arnold…. We are making animatronic duplications of living things… with the use of servos to animatronically move faces, with the finest artists trying to duplicate skin texture and skin tones, with the finest technicians doing all of the mechanical work, with all of the original drawings and designs, with all of the sculpture, all of it, we are trying to duplicate life.

Arnold Schwarzenegger poses with one of his puppet doubles on the set of Terminator 2.



We had to design the makeup effects that made Arnold, himself, the actor, appear to be the Terminator when a certain amount of flesh was removed from his face and certain appendages were ripped off of his body and the revealing of the robotic aspect underneath him… all of these things we learned from [The Terminator] to make them better, how to make them lay flatter to his face, how to make the illusion of the chrome underskull be more acceptable as a makeup, so it was not sitting out as far on his face as the makeup.

The "final stage" disintegration makeup on Arnold Schwarzenegger from T2.

SWS concept artist Mark "Crash" McCreery's rendering of a battle-damaged Arnold for T2.

The Terminator proves he's a robot in TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY.



We had to duplicate Arnold completely from head-to-toe animatronically for certain shots… Although the puppets actually worked much better than they did in the first, the need is less because of how well the makeup worked. And because of that, Jim [Cameron] was able to use Arnold in the makeup much more extensively than in the first movie.

Schwarzenegger in clay. This bust became the basis for the Arnold puppets in T2.

The animatronic "hero" Arnold puppet head, just waiting for a body.

4 heads are better than one. Especially when you're working with James Cameron.

Terminator 2 Disaster: James Cameron bashes "Arnold" T-800 Puppet to Bits

Terminator 2 Set Disasters Behind-the-Scenes: James Cameron bashes the hero T-800 "Arnold" puppet and Stan Winston Studio crew fix it overnight.


To break new ground, sometimes you need to break things. No one in the history of entertainment knows this better than James Cameron, whose commitment to "getting the shot" on Terminator 2: Judgment Day resulted in a near nightmare scenario for the Terminator Effects crew from Stan Winston Studio.


In this behind-the-scenes look at the Making of T2, SWS team member Andy Schoneberg recounts the night that Cameron bashed "Arnold's" head in, got the shot, and how the SWS robot builders scrambled to put him back together again in time for the next day's filming.

Terminator 1 / Terminator 2


Stan Winston created the striking prosthetic makeup and animatronic effects for the iconic title character, taking movie magic one step further, so ahead of its time.

James Cameron did a bunch of preproduction art for the Terminator. Stan Winston was trying to figure out how they were going to build it, and Cameron handed him a big pile of drawings and was like, 'No worries, I did that part already.'

Arnold Schwarzenegger poses in a promo photo session for James Cameron's smash hit THE TERMINATOR (1984)

Several Stan Winston Studio members made their own designs. Shane Mahan created the winner version.

Arnold Schwarzenegger enjoys a cigar between the takes of James Cameron's smash hit The Terminator (1984)

This shows members of Stan Winston's special make-up effects team preparing the brawny actor for the scene in which the cyborg performs some "self surgery."

Arnold Schwarzenegger's prosthetic arm for the surgery sequence in THE TERMINATOR (1984)

Arnold's mechanical puppet double, created by Stan Winston Studio for the tanker truck scene in the first Terminator film from 1984.

Cameron's concept drawing for the in-camera effects methodology of The Terminator removing his eye. Being an artist and (yet untested at the time) engineer helped Jim achieve the "perceived" impossible on this show's very limited budget. Hiring Stan Winston helped too!


John Rosengrant sculpts in clay the Stage III T-800 makeup, produced by Stan Winston Studio for James Cameron's Terminator2 Judgment Day (1991).


Did you know that special effects creator Stan Winston and director James Cameron spent a lot of time in a vehicle graveyard looking for machine parts with strange shapes to gain inspiration during the design phase of the robotic T-800 character in The Terminator?

Here you can see Stan Winston with the Terminator 2: Judgment Day Arnold/Terminator life-size statues that Stan Winston Studio made for Planet Hollywood restaurants. The team used the same molds that they used in the movie. Fun fact: Arnold Schwarzenegger owns two of these statues.
