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크리쳐 Creature/Court of The Dead

죽음의 사이렌 갈레바르베 SIDESHOW - Gallevarbe Eyes of the Queen

by webohi 2023. 4. 22.

“I have seen terrifying wonders. Beings whose entire endless existence is a ferocious parody of mortal secrets they have glimpsed through the veils. All that I see, all these precious visions I collect, belong to the Queen of the Dead."


Sideshow is proud to present the Gallevarbe: Eyes of the Queen Premium Format™ Figure, the latest addition to our original Court of the Dead collection.


Your eyes do not deceive you if this savage beauty looks familiar… As a Flesh faction stalwart and a personal favorite of Queen Gethsemoni, Gallevarbe’s malleable form proves to be highly advantageous for this ruthless spy-assassin.


"What’s really important about this version is that we are showing her in a 'naga' or snake-like form. The idea behind her character was always that she can shape-shift and turn herself into a plethora of entities,” said Ricky Lovas, Sr. Brand Manager.  "Being introduced as the 'Death's Siren', many assumed that was the sole essence of her character, but it’s not and never was intended to be. She’s a spy for the Queen, and therefore needs to be able to adapt to her environment and mission as needed. This iteration of Gallevarbe is just showing another one of her endless possibilities for transformations."


Gallevarbe’s smooth aqua-green flesh is dappled with scales, expertly-crafted by Master Sculptor Mark Newman. Perched on an Underworld ruin downwind from her quarry, Gallevarbe’s dark hair flows in the breeze and her lethal bone-forged blades are at the ready. “Every element of this figure is charged with dynamic action,” said Anna Van Slee, Brand Director. “From the swaying tassels on her bodice to the delightful ripple of her hair in the wind. Every detail tells the story of the Gallevarbe winding up this crumbling rock and twisting around to strike at her target.


My favorite detail of this figure is the unique and intricate tail,” added Van Slee. “The appendages coming off the tail to grip the base are an artful mix of creature anatomies that blend to create something uniquely creepy.” 


If you’re about to be obliterated, there are much worse visions to have as your last than the Gallevarbe: Eyes of the Queen Premium Format™ Figure! Transform your Court of the Dead collection with this deadly assassin on display.



- Mark Newman (Sculpt)

- Kat Sapene (Paint)

- Scott Wade (Design)

- Tom Gilliland (Design)

- Rachel Roubicek (Design)

- The Sideshow Design and Development Team


Product Size 

H x W x D : 19.5" (49.5 cm) x 12" (30.5 cm) x 7.5" (19 cm)

Weight: 9.00 lbs (4.1 kg)
