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크리쳐 Creature/David Meng

드래곤 Dragon

by webohi 2023. 6. 8.

Just wanted to let folks know that,  unless something goes awry, I'll be exhibiting at Monsterpalooza this coming weekend, at table #16. It will be my first time exhibiting there, so fingers crossed that all will go smoothly. I'll be selling sculpture busts (both painted and unpainted castings), stickers, buttons and magnets.  


Here's a dragon I finished recently, something I've really been wanting to do for a very long time.  It's a big sculpture, roughly 30" x 30" x 33".   


Hope to see you at Monsterpalooza!

"Meng's Monsters and Diabolical Devilry"


Hello out there, just letting everyone know that I have started a Patreon recently. It's going to be a place were I document the making of many of the new pieces I do, as well as a catalogue of the making of past projects. For instance, right now I am posting about the making of my recent dragon sculpture. This includes the design, sculpture, assemblage, painting, and making of the wings. I've already put up a few posts. Not tutorials, per se, but in-progress pics with notes on the process and thoughts, etc.


Although I will still be posting quite a bit to FB and Instagram, I will have many more shots of my finished pieces on the Patreon, and nearly all of my work-in-progress photos will be on there exclusively. There will also be 2d artwork, and stuff I haven't yet put out here on FB or Instagram. Monsters, modern and prehistoric animals, grotesque faces, all on the Patreon!


If you're interested, please check it out:




Facebook 나가기

이동하려는 링크가 Facebook 외부의 링크입니다: http://patreon.com/mengmonsters?fbclid=IwAR01g01fMXSEHclkuyFDx1B3F9fCB3PcrLaM0yp4gpXxwxpxifWaxViCfYc 이 링크로 이동하시겠어요?


Here's a work-in-progress shot of the sculpture for my recent dragon sculpture.  The detail is still a bit rough because I don't finish the detail up until the sculpture is separated for molding. Sculpted in Gray/Green Chavant NSP medium. There are many more shots and angles of this on my Patreon- if you're interested, please consider joining!



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