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티라노사우루스 Beast of Mesozoic - Tyrannosaurus Rex Action Figures

by webohi 2022. 4. 8.

Here's the final sculpt of the Beasts of the Mesozoic Tyrannosaurus Rex adult! 

Jake Baardse did an amazing job on this sculpt and it was a real treat working with him to find a distinct look while still remaining true to what we currently know about the species. 



The first resin prototype for the Beasts of the Mesozoic 1/35th scale T-rex is assembled and ready for paint, along with a new base

1/35th scale Beasts of the Mesozoic Tyrannosaurus rex resin prototype! 
Sculpting was by Jacob Baardse, with part separation and printing by Raul Ramos.

Molding and casting was by Jeremy Monz. Now it's time to paint this beast!

1/35 Beasts of the Mesozoic T-rex prototype is on the paint desk
The 1/18th scale Beasts of the Mesozoic T-rex is printed

The fine-cut figures for the Beasts of the Mesozoic T-rex are already underway, well ahead of the Kickstarter next month. This here is the 1/35th scale version and look... it stands without a base! The 1/18th version is being worked on now.


Progress update on the fine cut for the big 1/18th scale Beasts of the Mesozoic T-rex- the joints are all there and foot pegs seem to be working well with the base.


Tyrannosaurus Rex Art by RJ Palmer
Tyrannosaurus Rex juvenile Art  Art by RJ Palmer
Tyrannosaurus Rex Art by Ezra Tucker

Tyrannosaurus rex fine-cut figure update 1: THEY CAN FREE STAND!

October 5, 2021


Today I was able to unpack the T. rex fine-cuts sent to me from the factory for both the 1/18th and 1/35th scale Tyrannosaurus rex figures, and I must say, I'm impressed.

One of the biggest questions since I began developing the Tyrannosaur line was- how will they stand? I felt that if I could get them to stand with a base and foot pegs, and no visible support, it would be a great achievement. And with the interchangeable lower leg idea, that problem seemed to be resolved.  Can it stand without a base? I doubt it... at least that's what I used to think. Behold...

So apparently by using both of the fixed lower legs, these figures can indeed stand on their own without the aid of a base and foot pegs. Who knew? I saw a photo from the factory a while back showing this, but I was still skeptical. Now I can confirm that yes they do work. I would even say that surprisingly,  the larger one is even more stable than the smaller one.

1/18th scale T. rex with base and accessories

For those unfamiliar with the action figure making process, the fine-cut is the first stage of preproduction and is a resin duplicate of the original sculpted parts but are modified with functional joints, engineered to allow for the best movement possible.

1/35th scale T. rex with base and accessories

These vary a little from the original prototypes in that the joints are more refined and functional, getting us closer to the final version. And the jaw works very well now too- see, the mouth will fully close.

Once a fine cut figure is approved, it becomes the basis for the metal tooling molds and thus all of the injection molded figures there after. 

There's more that I want to explore with these fine-cuts such as dynamic posing options and range of articulation (though it is a bit limited at this stage due to the rigid resin material). It would all be too much for one update, but I wanted to at least show some new photos of these guys and share the good news about the standing situation.

Tyrannosaurus rex fine-cut figure update 2: Posing options and unpainted variants?

October 12, 2021


I have more T. rex fine-cut photos for you all today- this time I'll be showing some the posing options. And I have a very important proposal for you all today, so please be sure to read this update after the photos.  

Admittedly, the posing for these is extremely limited due to the rigid nature of the fine-cut resin material. It's quite fragile (I've already cracked the knees a few times) and I definitely shouldn't be playing with these. But you all are worth it and luckily the folks at the factory don't follow my Kickstarter so what they don't know won't hurt them! Anyway, on with the photos...


1/18th scale T. rex
This figure is really testing my ability to shoot proper photos with my usual photo set-up. It really is a massive figure and it being a fine-cut only makes posing that much more challenging. However, I was still able to get these poses without too much trouble, though I did have to replace the foot pins with thicker pins. Good to know, as I can have that adjusted for the final version. (see, it pays to play with your toys.)

First, here's a walking pose with the standing right leg and toe-standing left foot.
Next, we have running pose using the left standing leg and the running toes foot.
It was hard to show just how big this this was so I included 4" Mando.

I really don't think you all will be prepared for the size of this thing. Photos can't really convey the mass that this figure has. I'm happy to say though that I was able to achieve these poses despite the joints being somewhat loose and the resin material being just as heavy if not heavier than the PVC plastic. The final joints will be injection molded which will allow for many more posing options. 

1/35th scale T. rex
This 14" version was obviously much easier to pose, but still just as rigid. 

Starting off with a running pose using the standing left leg and right running toes foot


And here's a walking pose using the standing right leg and toe standing right foot.

As I showed in the previous fine-cut update, using both of the standing legs at once will allow for posing without the base. But if the articulated legs are used, the base will probably be needed. Can you use both articulated legs with the base? Probably, but I won't know for sure until I have injection-mold joints. But for this fine-cut, it's a no-go. I'm also wondering if perhaps I should have them add in the articulation lines on the standing legs just to keep the legs matching. What do you think?


Should grey model versions of Tyrannosaurus rex be added?
Okay so here's where I'm asking for your input. Ever since I released the Build-a-Raptor customizable figure sets, people have been asking for unpainted figure variants of more recent figures, including these Tyrannosaurs. I am aware that the the campaign has slowed a bit since the last unlock and we still have some ground to cover before we unlock the Gorgosaurus. We could use a boost right now and I don't think another postcard set will do the trick (though that is still coming). So, I want to know- who would be interested in a grey, unpainted versions of these T.rex figures? Not as a replacement for one of the others, but in addition to them. There would be an additional incentive here as the pricing would be lower than the painted versions and since they wouldn't require extensive paint work, I could release them next spring instead of next fall like the others.  The final versions would look pretty much identical to these fine-cuts.

1/18th scale T. rex with base and accessories- 27"
1/35th scale T. rex with base and accessories- 14"

Please let me know who would be interested in this as an additional option- weigh in with your thoughts below. The pricing for these on Kickstarter would be $175 for the 1/18th scale T. rex, and $50 for the 1/35th scale T. rex.  I'm really looking forward to your feedback on this. I'm happy to offer these as long as it seems like there's enough interest. Please let me know in the comments.


T. rex Test Shot figures, Wave 1 update and more!

April 7, 2022


Hi All- hope everyone's been well. There's been plenty of progress with the Tyrannosaur Series lately, so let's dive in and take a look at what's new!

Tyrannosaurus rex test shot figures and package layouts
Though a little later than expected, the T. rex test shot figures have been completed and are en route to me now. Judging by these photos taken at the factory, they look very promising! 

I can't wait to get my hands on these to try out various poses, and you can be sure that I'll follow up on this with my own photos. 

Now that the test shots are done, we also have the box dimensions and blister tray arrangements, which will have two trays. However, the final versions will have the articulated legs attached, while the fixed legs will be in the bottom tray. 

This arrangement will be standard for Bodies 3 and 4 as well.

Gray T. rex Paint Samples

Not only am I receiving the T. rex test shot figures soon, but the first paint samples for the gray variants are on their way as well. Since these were originally estimated to release this month, it's safe to say that they'll need to be pushed back a bit, unfortunately. I'm now estimating for a June release. 

1/35 scale T. rex
1/18th scale T. rex

It should be mentioned that this delay doesn't necessarily affect the rest of the series. While setbacks are of course possible with the remaining waves, I don't expect this particular delay to have a direct effect on those schedules.



