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크리쳐 Creature/미분류

블루 슬럼버 'Blue Slumber' melty man

by webohi 2022. 5. 16.

22”length x 22” width x 20” high“


Finally the melty man is all done on his base... 

I learned a ton in this process and thanks so much to everyone who pushed me to get this done.

You can see it in LA at Coprogallery “Conjoined 10” show this weekend, 2020 Saturday Feb 22nd 6-10pm.


Clay Sculpt -> 3D Scan -> 3D develop -> Scale model printing test -> Painting Test

Q. Woah, mind bendingly cool. How will fill the seams? Do you think you will make a mould of it?
A. when its all glued together the gaps are pretty minimal actually... ill fill whatever with magic sculpt (sculptable epoxy clay) which ill smooth whth water and retexture if needed. Then ill lightly prime and sand here and there to make sure seams are gone, then silicone mold

Q. It’s going make a great mould even if a little hard to de-mould. Did you use a different 3d printer for the largest version?
A. this is still just a formlabs... has been a hassle having to slice it up so much to compensate for the smaller build volume, but seems to all be coming together now

i just sculpt with basic material... my rule is if it looks like something between a gnarly high contrast tin type photo and concrete, you probably at normal flesh. For an old person face, itd be double that... like exploding wrinkled roping flesh blob... which seems weird, but you get used to it after a few prints. scale is also a thing... for smaller things you have to amp the detail too to make it look right. It usually takes a few prints to get to something successful


Cleaning my shop... this is heaping pile of casting failures, sculpts and resculpts and lots of tests... kinda of illustrates the process
Man with drippy arms in progress...
Scanned this old sculpt I wanted to mold... and now resculpting digitally for 3d print
Some work on refining that melty arm guys hands tonight
Refining this melting mans face
Feet progress
First test print ready for paint
First test paint
Hand progress on this melty man sculpture... this piece fits inside his melting head
Foot progress on this melting man sculpt... still a long way to go
Just more texture work on this melty arm guy tonight
First tiny full body test print of this guy just gonna use this for color palette tests for the final piece... which maybe pale, or bluish or pinkish... im not sure yet
First half of scaled up test print fresh out of the goo
Two halves together... think im going to still go bigger than this though
Think this will be final scale of this melty man. This is the hand that’s melting into his head
more progress on the many pieces of the larger print of this melty man. Just the bottom half left, then a heap of finish work, molding and casting and paint
The bottom half of this larger melty man just came out of printer. i had resculpted this to try to punch out the details more. really happy with how the skins lo
Everyone probably tired of this guy now, but i wasnt happy with the face and neck texture, so resculpted the folds and stretching...think its finally lookin right
still a lot of cleanup of some gnarly seam lines and a few airbubbles from the casting
Forever seaming sanding on this thing... almost there
