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케찰코아틀루스 프테라노돈 Quetzalcoatlus and Pteranodon

by webohi 2022. 7. 22.

Chicago Field Museum | Stanley Field Hall Flyting Pterosaurs

In the spring of 2018, the Field Museum opened it’s newly renovated grand entry hall. The new Stanley Field Hall features a cast of the 122-foot long titanosaur as well as futuristic hanging gardens and a flock of extinct giant flying reptiles.

The flock of scientifically accurate pterosaurs (which are flying reptiles, not dinosaurs) created by Blue Rhino Studio, give visitors a glimpse at animals that shared the planet with dinosaurs. The lifelike replicas include nine hawk-sized Rhamphorhynchus (ram-foh-RINK-us), two Pteranodon (teh-RAN-oh-don) with 18-foot-wingspans, and two giant Quetzalcoatlus (ket-zal-co-AHT-lus), whose spread wings stretch 35 feet.  




Meet the Pterosaur Flock

Neither dinosaurs nor birds, these flying reptiles took to the skies during the Jurassic and Cretaceous. See true-to-life models suspended overhead.


케찰코아틀루스 Quetzalcoatlus


From our shop in Minneapolis all the way across the world to Kuwait City, Kuwait. These three life-size Quetzalcoatlus (along with the rest of their flying companions–pics to come) were mounted 30 feet above the new Hall of Natural History at the Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre 2017 spring.

프테라노돈 Pteranodon

An oldie but goodie: one of the first dinosaurs Blue Rhino Studio ever made a flying Pteranodon for the San Diego Natural History Museum’s “Fossil Mysteries” exhibit! The gar in his mouth was added later.
