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[레플리카] 티라노사우루스 두개골 USNM 555000 스미스소니언 Master Replicas - Tyrannosaurus Rex (Smithsonian Fossil Replicas)

by webohi 2023. 1. 20.

Master Replicas - Tyrannosaurus Rex USNM 555000 Skull

(Smithsonian Fossil Replicas)


Worked with the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History to create officially licensed fossil replicas from their collection and their respective packaging materials. These ranged from full-sized t-rex skulls to small trilobites and dinosaur claws.

The Nation's T-Rex, USNM 555000, is one of the most studied and published-on Tyrannosaurus' ever discovered. When it was found in 1988 it included approximately 46 percent of the skeleton, making it the most complete Tyrannosaurus ever found at that time.


Scientists found a complete arm for the first time, enabling them to better understand the biomechanics of the T-Rex forelimb. Later studies would show that the animal was about 18 years old when it died. The Nation's T-Rex was the first dinosaur specimen ever found with preserved blood proteins. In all, USNM 555000 enabled paleontologists to get the first modern picture of how T-Rex lived.


This Master Replicas quarter-scale Nation's T-Rex Skull Replica is made in the USA and cast in storng, lightweight, druable resin. Every detail and contour is captured from the 3D scan file supplied by Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History's Paleontology department.
