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크리쳐 Creature/미분류

구울 Ghoul

by webohi 2023. 5. 27.

The legendary artist Paul Komoda has really knocked it out of the park designing the ghoul that Pickman paints as his primary muse.  Using the two known sketches drawn by Lovecraft himself as a guide, Paul followed his description in the story to the letter to create a nightmare made flesh.

Lovecraft himself drew both of these designs for the Ghoul from Pickman's Model and we felt it only right that we should realize HIS vision all the way!!!

Paul Komoda did a couple of variations on Lovecraft's sketches...

Paul really started stretching the Ghouls legs to nail down the anatomy and if it could work as an actual, practical effect...

It was REALLY hard to narrow down Paul's ideas. He had SOOOO many! As you can see, we started getting pretty close in spite of dozens of his excellent designs...

Original paintmaster maquette sculpted by the phenomenal Paul Komoda!!!
