728x90 동물 Animal17 [수리] 콘도르 Condor 'Rascal' 2022. 7. 12. [수리][모아] 하스트수리 모아 Haast Eagle and Moa Weta Workshop New Zealand’s forests were once home to giant species of bird, including the world’s largest eagle. Haast’s eagle boasted a wingspan of up to 3-metres & sharp talons that could fell 2-metre-tall, 200kg moa. Earlier this year, we recreated hunter versus prey in life-sized sculpture. Tarn Greenlaw This beautiful piece of art was created through collaboration between Weta's sculpting,.. 2022. 7. 6. [원숭이] 망토개코원숭이 Hamadryas Baboon 2022. 7. 5. [개] 그레이하운드 해부학 모델 Evolutio Art Greyhound Anatomy 2022. 6. 22. [곰] 코디악곰 Kodiak Brown Bear (Indomitable) Kodiak Brown Bear (Indomitable) A Life-Size Kodiak Bear, commissioned by Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, to stand on Ittleson Quad, outside their new Nelson Fitness Centre. Dimensions: H 180″ W 70″ D 65″ Bronze: Edition of 3 Description A Truly Monumental Bear The creation of the monumental bronze sculpture, “Indomitable”, depicting a life-size Kodiak Brown Bear, has been a mammoth u.. 2022. 6. 21. [개] 강아지 해부학 모델 Canine Anatomy Study Canine Anatomy Sculpture in the spirit of the Animaliers of the 19th Century. Great for reference, research or displayed as fine art. Inspiration for the Canine Anatomy Sculpture - approx. dimensions : L 9 W 2.5 H 7 inches I have always been enamored with such artists as Isidore Bonheur, Antoine Louis Barye and the other Animaliers of the 19th Century. Bonheur's ecorche (pronounced ey-kawr-shey,.. 2022. 6. 13. [침팬지] 루루 포트레이트 Portrait of Lulu Lulu. One of my favorite personal projects. Trying to replicate nature is something that taught me a lot of respect, deep admiration, a longing to connect but also protect its sensitive complexity. Let’s all help to heal our planet to keep witnessing mother earth‘s fascinating creations! 2022. 5. 12. [악어] 로롱 Lolong Estuarine Crocodile Model Sculpted by Antoine Verney Lolong was the largest saltwater crocodile in captivity The final sculpt is a mix of texturingXYZ maps projected in Mari and handmade sculpt in ZBrush 출처 : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/EL89vn 출처 : https://www.instagram.com/antoine_verneycarron/ 2022. 3. 31. 이전 1 2 다음 728x90