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클레옵시스 SIDESHOW - Cleopsis Eater of the Dead “Humanity craves guidance, and will faithfully submit to anything it deems worthy of love… or of fear.” Joining our original Court of the Dead collection, Sideshow is proud to introduce the Cleopsis: Eater of the Dead Premium Format Figure. Death sent his ambitious daughter, Cleopsis, to the Mortal Realm to live among the mortals and discover more about them. There were many paths she could have.. 2023. 4. 21.
말라베스트로 SIDESHOW - Malavestros Deaths Chronicler Fool “When I look into the mirror and see…I sometimes forget who I am supposed to be. A champion? A warlord? A King who must rule? Perhaps I am just a lowly fool?” Nothing is ever what it appears to be in the Underworld, and thus it would be wise not to dismiss Malavestros as comic relief in the Court of the Dead. Despite his grotesquely playful visage and unpredictable antics, Malavestros is an inva.. 2023. 4. 21.
레드 데쓰 SIDESHOW - The Red Death A wretched abomination, part mummified flesh and part tormented spirit, Avarkus, The Red Death drifts upon the celestial ether between the realms of the living and the dead. With an insatiable thirst for the avarice in men's souls, he seeks out those corrupted by greed to claim as his own. In his hand he holds a mask of gold, which represents the face of his life's true desires, and on his back .. 2023. 4. 20.
시알 위대한 골술사 SIDESHOW - Xiall The Great Osteomancer “There is only one truth, one purpose. One path that will ensure our future – The path of Bone.” Based on an original character design, Sideshow Collectibles is proud to introduce Xiall, the Great Osteomancer from our Court of the Dead collection. Guiding the Underworld, she stands alongside the Queen of the Dead, Death’s Valkyrie, the Reaper General and Death himself! With a dogmatic adherence .. 2023. 4. 20.
오그라베일 파멸 집행자 SIDESHOW - The Oglavaeil: Dreadsbane Enforcer “You cannot run from your fate. No one knows this better than I…” Sideshow presents final production photos of the Oglavaeil: Dreadsbane Enforcer Premium Format™ Variant Figure, the latest addition to our original Court of the Dead collection. The Dreadsbane Enforcer is a unique shadow variant of one of our most popular and sold-out Premium Format figures, Oglavaeil: The Executioner. “Since his .. 2023. 4. 16.
오그림 둠해머 워크래프트 Blizzard Orgrim Doomhammer (Cinematic) 2023. 3. 8.
오크 울프라이더 워크래프트 Blizzard Orc Wolf Rider - Information "Create a larger-than-life sculpture of a fearsome wolf-mounted orc warrior from Warcraft;" that was the challenge Blizzard presented to New Zealand-based Weta Workshop. Blizzard worked closely with Weta artisans in New Zealand and China to turn the small prototype into a bronze behemoth. After over a year of intense work, the 12 foot tall, 2 ton bronze orc warrior now stands watch.. 2023. 3. 8.
대거리스트 Daggerwrist Expedition Wayne Barlowe Collaborating with Author and designer Wayne Barlowe to produce a statue based on Daggerwrist from his iconic 1990's illustrated book EXPEDITION. Daggerwrist image recreated with digital model set against the original painting's sky. Sculpted in Zbrush, rendered in Keyshot. * Daggerwrist : https://speculativeevolution.fandom.com/wiki/Daggerwrist I have been obsessing over accurately translating .. 2023. 3. 8.
크툴루 Cthulhu 2023. 3. 7.