728x90 분류 전체보기442 [DB] 스마우그 Smaug Hobbit 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2023. 2. 8. [말] 에쿠우스 차발루스 해부학 모델 Equus caballus Equus caballus "No animals is harmed in the creation of these product" The horse is one of two extant subspecies of Equus ferus. It is an odd-toed ungulate mammal belonging to the taxonomic family Equidae. Horse ears are small and upright, with a long face; long bristles on the forehead and neck, long hairs on the tail, strong limbs, cicadas on the inside, the third toe is the most developed, ho.. 2023. 2. 5. [말] 해부학 모델 이지도르 보뇌르 Horse Anatomy (Écorché de cheval) - Isidore Bonheur ARTIST DESCRIPTION Isidore Bonheur (French, 1827-1901) Isidore Bonheur comes from a family of artists, trained by his father in painting at an early age alongside his sister, Rosa. He was born in Bordeaux, but spent most of his life in Paris. Despite being educated in painting, Bonheur had an affinity for sculpting, first exhibiting a plaster study of an African horseman being attacked by a lion.. 2023. 2. 5. [DB] 호러 Horror 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2023. 2. 3. [DB] A24 제작 영화 목록 A24 Filmography A24 is an American independent entertainment company that specializes in film and television production, as well as film distribution. It is based in New York City. A24 was founded in 2012 by Daniel Katz, David Fenkel and John Hodges. Prior to A24, all had worked extensively in film and production before leaving their current positions to co-found the company, originally A24 Films, which special.. 2023. 2. 3. [스토리보드] 기생충 계단 시퀀스 Parasite Stairs Scene 1. 떨어지는 빗물 2. 상하수도로 흘러가는 물줄기 3. 비탈 지형에서 프라이버시 확보를 위한 용벽 4. 하강하는 계단 5. 터널 6. 우수로 잠긴 반지하 공간 로케이션 Location - 박사장 집 : 전주 영화 종합 촬영소 세트 제작 - '옹벽' : 성북구 선잠로 - '자하문 터널 계단' / '자하문 터널' : 종로구 청운동 - '대호 빌라 옆다리' : 용산구 후암동 - '계단' : 종로구 지붕로 창신동 - '돼지슈퍼' (영화 속 '우리슈퍼') : 마포구 손기정로 - '계단' : 서대문구 북아현동 출처 : http://english.seoulfc.or.kr/naa/na/index.asp?no=6&mode=view&IDX=763&p=1 "Shutter 40cm" Mansion - Garage - Nig.. 2023. 1. 28. [스토리보드] 블레이드러너 2049 오프닝 시퀀스 Blade Runner 2049 Opening Scene This version of the opening of Blade Runner was never shot. The beautifully concieved continuity is by Sherman Labby. This is the storyboard he created. All credit belongs to him for the artwork. Viewing is a must for all true BR Fans! There are 27 frames in all and they may take a moment to load. Spinner kicks up dust.. / Spinner lands-Dog barks at it as Deckard raises hatch Wind Blows Deckard .. 2023. 1. 27. 버드 이터 ACRO - KRS P.K. Bird Eater KRS P.K. 버드 이터(Bird Eater) designed and sculpted by Paul Komoda KRS 새로운 시리즈 등장! 원형사 오리지날 디자인의 크리처 몬스터를 피규어화. Paul Komoda가 어린 시절에 스케치 한 것을 바탕으로 디자인한 귀여움과 흉포함을 겸비한 버드 이터를 재현! ! ACRO U-VINYL 기술로 소프비 금형을 제작, 원형을 충실히 재현하고 있습니다. Our as yet unnamed yellow eyestalk bearing protagonist squares off against the Bird Swallower. 출처 : http://acro-japan.com/product/krs-pk-birdeater-f?fbclid=IwAR3CBjwkPmMboXfXW.. 2023. 1. 20. [레플리카] 티라노사우루스 두개골 USNM 555000 스미스소니언 Master Replicas - Tyrannosaurus Rex (Smithsonian Fossil Replicas) Master Replicas - Tyrannosaurus Rex USNM 555000 Skull (Smithsonian Fossil Replicas) Worked with the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History to create officially licensed fossil replicas from their collection and their respective packaging materials. These ranged from full-sized t-rex skulls to small trilobites and dinosaur claws. The Nation's T-Rex, USNM 555000, is one of the most studi.. 2023. 1. 20. 이전 1 ··· 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ··· 50 다음 728x90