728x90 늑대인간4 늑대인간 Moonsinger - Werewolf 2023. 2. 10. 늑대인간 Werewolf Here a JUST FOR FUN model, This is just a Wip, Don´t know if I will finish it. Also here an small description about the process. I used the Zack Petroc Skeleton ( http://www.zackpetroc.com/skeleton-a...s-of-the-body/) like base structure, to start a mockup werewolf skeleton, based on the Animal/ Human comparative anatomy ( http://hippie.nu/~unicorn/tut/xhtml-chunked/ch03.html ). From there, usin.. 2022. 6. 2. 런던의 늑대인간 흉상 Change-o head Anamerican Werewolfin in London I do believe in Karma, I do believe in Karma, after I did my April’s fools post, I decided to scan change-o head 2. I practically gave myself a hernia getting it off of a high shelf in storage. It is a thick silicone and ultra cal master must weigh 75 lbs. I’m not as strong as Tom Savini, I can only do twenty push ups, Well to make a long story short, while scanning and moving it around it slipp.. 2022. 5. 11. [DB] 늑대인간 역사 'The Wolf Man' Evolution of Character 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2022. 4. 21. 이전 1 다음 728x90