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헬름 협곡 반지의제왕 웨타 WETA - Helm’s Deep Environment Model 출처 : https://www.wetanz.com/helms-deep?dm_i=6XI1,7WQ6,3Q851M,V49K,1 HELM’S DEEP Once a stronghold of Gondor, now a fortress of the kingdom of Rohan, Helm’s Deep was carved into the feet of the White Mountains, below the towering Thrihyrne. The fortress of Helm’s Deep was named for Helm Hammerhand, past king of Rohan, who brought his people to the keep during the Long Winter. Built to endure, the.. 2022. 11. 30.
스켁실 시종관 스켁시스 다크크리스탈 웨타 WETA - SkekSil the Chamberlain 출처 : https://www.wetanz.com/shop/figures/skeksil-the-chamberlain-skeksis SKEKSIL THE CHAMBERLAIN SKEKSIS - Price : $499.00 - Limited Edition of 500 - Dimensions : (W x H x L) 23 cm x 30 cm x 24 cm - Weight : 16.976 lbs (7.7 kg) While all Skeksis were deceitful, dangerous creatures by nature, skekSil had honed his skills of manipulation to an artform. “This is what I do. Plant stories in ground, .. 2022. 10. 10.
마더 오그라 다크크리스탈 웨타 WETA - Mother Aughra 출처 : https://www.wetanz.com/us/mother-aughra MOTHER AUGHRA - Price : $249.00 - Limited Edition of 360 - Dimensions : (W x H x L) 16 cm x 22 cm x 15 cm - Weight : 4.586 lbs (2.08 kg) Aughra is Thra. And Thra is Aughra. Aughra has spent years looking to the skies. She took her eye off of Thra with the understanding that the Skeksis would maintain her world just the way she left it. But when the Sk.. 2022. 10. 9.
리안 겔플링 다크크리스탈 웨타 WETA - Rian the Gelfling 출처 : https://www.wetanz.com/shop/figures/rian-the-gelfling RIAN THE GELFLING - Price : $129.00 - Dimensions : (W x H x L) 12.5 cm x 16.5 cm x 15 cm - Weight : 1.543 lbs (0.7 kg) Ayoung Gelfling warrior in the Castle of the Crystal, Rian aspires someday to be captain of the Guard, like his father Ordon. Brave and kind, he carries a deep love for his friend and fellow guard Mira, but a terrible di.. 2022. 10. 7.
우르바 궁수 미스틱 다크크리스탈 웨타 WETA - urVa the Archer Mystic 출처 : https://www.wetanz.com/us/urva-the-archer-mystic URVA THE ARCHER MYSTIC - Price : $699.99 - Limited Edition of 400 - Dimensions : (W x H x L) 43 cm x 54.5 cm x 32 cm - Weight : 17.99 lbs (8.164 kg) While his fellow urRu seclude themselves from the outside world, the enigmatic Mystic urVa travels the wildernesses of Thra, watching and listening to the shifting balance of the world. Known as .. 2022. 10. 5.
스켁소 황제 스켁시스 다크크리스탈 웨타 WETA - Skekso The Emperor 출처 : https://www.wetanz.com/us/skekso-the-emperor-skeksis SKEKSO THE EMPEROR SKEKSIS - Price : $499.00 - Limited Edition of 400 - Dimensions : (W x H x L) 25 cm x 33 cm x 30 cm - Weight : 11.464 lbs (5.2 kg) In the shadows of the Castle of the Crystal a dark and terrible discovery has been made. Entrusted with guardianship of the great Crystal itself, the Skeksis have abused their power and the .. 2022. 10. 4.
헙 포들링 다크크리스탈 웨타 WETA - Hup The Podling 출처 : https://www.wetanz.com/shop/figures/hup-the-podling HUP THE PODLING - Price : $99.00 - 1:6 scale statue - Dimensions : (W x H x L) 12.5 cm x 14 cm x 12.5 cm - Weight : 1.213 lbs (0.55 kg) Among the peoples of Thra Podlings might be thought of as least, given their humbleness and short stature. Living uncomplicated lives and delighting in simple pleasures, Podlings are usually peripheral to .. 2022. 10. 3.
스란두일 숲왕국 요정왕 반지의제왕 웨타 WETA - Thranduil The Woodland King Masters Collection 출처 : https://www.wetanz.com/us/masters-collection-thranduil-the-woodland-king THRANDUIL THE WOODLAND KING MASTERS COLLECTION - Price : $2,799.00 - Limited Edition of 400 - Dimensions : (W x H x L) 105 cm x 100 cm x 92 cm Upon a raised throne, crowned with antlers of wood, he delivered judgement upon those fool enough to enter his domain unbidden… All hail the next chapter in our Masters Collecti.. 2022. 10. 2.
백색의 사루만 왕좌 반지의제왕 웨타 WETA - Saruman The White on Throne 출처 : https://www.wetanz.com/shop/figures/saruman-the-white-on-throne SARUMAN THE WHITE ON THRONE - Price : $1,399.99 - Limited Edition of 703 - Dimensions : (W x H x L) 51 cm x 111 cm x 29 cm - Weight : 28.219 lbs (12.8 kg) As the head of the Order of the Istari, Saruman the White was tasked with orchestrating the defence of Middle-earth against the resurgence of the Dark Lord Sauron. Two centur.. 2022. 9. 30.