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파칼 대왕의 여정 Pacal's Journey (Ancient Aliens S01, E04) Start of the new Pacal Machine. This one will closely resemble the slab but with a very machine feel. The Pacal sculpture is far from finished, i am using his as a size reference. Capsule being built. Shrunk the slab to 50%. Every detail is perfect. Ancient Aliens-Pre-Columbian Flyer Ancient Aliens: Arguably the most remarkable Mayan artifact ever found , the stone sarcophagus lid of king Pacal .. 2023. 3. 1.
[DB] 그렉 브로드모어 Greg Broadmore 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2023. 2. 15.
[DB] 픽사 토이 스토리 1 디자인 Pixar Toy Story 1 Design (1995) 목차 캐릭터 디자인 CHARACTER DESIGN - 우디 Woody - 버즈 라이트이어 Buzz Lightyear - 햄 Hamm - 미스터 포테이토 Mr. Potato Head - 렉스 Rex - 슬링키 Slinky - 돌연변이 장난감들 Mutant Toys - 시드 Sid - 앤디 Andy 세계 디자인 WORLD DESIGN - 앤디의 집 Andy's House - 다이노코 정유소 Dinoco Station - 피자 플래닛 Pizza Planet - 시드의 집 Sid's House 크레딧 CREDITS Ever wonder what toys do when people aren't around? Toy Story answers that question with a fantastic fun-filled.. 2022. 12. 7.
[DB] 픽사 코코 디자인 Pixar Coco Design (2017) 목차 캐릭터 디자인 CHARACTER DESIGN - 미구엘 Miguel - 헥터 Héctor - 단테 Dante - 에르네스토 데라 크루즈 Ernesto de la Cruz - 할머니 Abuelita - 페피타 Pepita - 마마 이멜다 Mamá Imelda - 프리다 Frida - 마마 코코 Mamá Coco - 리베라 가족 The Rivera Family - 치차론 Chicharrón - 스켈레톤 Skeletons 세계 디자인 WORLD DESIGN - 자료 조사 Research - 죽은 자들의 땅 The Land Of The Dead - Santa Cecilia - 묘지 Cemetery - 금잔화 다리 The Marigold Bridge - Las Ofrendas - 가족 만남 부서 The De.. 2022. 12. 5.
컨셉안 반지의 제왕: 힘의 반지 Rings of Power (2022) 아다르 Adar This is an unused rough i did thinking of Adar. I had started it then the gig was over or I got the ref for the actor. One of the two. It was a while ago. Prepping for this character I wasn’t quite sure what to do with him. I drew these in between as I worked on the Boar/Wolves.. trying to get an idea for him.. Adar.. so many good orc characters .. a tough one.. ill post the second hit .. 2022. 11. 22.
[DB] 데이비드 맹 David Meng 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2022. 8. 15.
컨셉안 쥬라기 공원 4 Concept Art for Abandoned Jurassic Park IV Jurassic Park 4: New Concept Art From Lost Film Artist Carlos Huante recently shared concept art from a much earlier take on Jurassic Park 4... If you Frankensteined the DNA of the Hulk, Wolfman and a velociraptor in a petri dish, you’d get Raptorman. He was due to appear in a Jurassic Park film, but it ultimately wasn't meant to be. Raptorman was part of a screenplay envisioned by John Sayles a.. 2022. 7. 28.