728x90 전체 글442 하녀 연작 김기영 감독 Kim Ki Young - The Housemaid 하녀 The Housemaid, 1960 《하녀》(下女)는 1960년에 김기영 감독이 만든 스릴러 영화이다. 금천에서 일어난 살인사건을 소재로 해서 만들어진 이 영화는 중산층 가정에 하녀가 들어오는 것으로 시작된다. 어느날 밤, 하녀는 일하는 집의 가장인 동식과 관계를 맺게 되고 이후 하녀는 이 가정을 조금씩 파괴해 간다. 당시 명보극장에서 개봉, 10만 명이라는 관객을 모으며, 선풍적인 인기를 끌었고, 오늘날에도 김기영 감독의 대표작으로 인정받고 있다. 최근 임상수 감독이 이를 리메이크하여 《하녀》(2010)란 제목으로 발표하였으며, 2008년 세계 영화 재단의 지원을 받아 한국영상자료원에서 복원되었다. - 속편 : 이 영화는 하녀 3부작이라고 불리는 시리즈의 첫 번째 작품이다. 속편으로는 (1971)와 2023. 5. 31. [DB] 프랑켄슈타인 역사 'Frankenstein' Evolution of Character 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2023. 5. 28. 린 램지 단편 Lynne Ramsay Short Films 단편 영화 Short films - 스몰 데스 Small Deaths (1996) - 킬 더 데이 Kill the Day (1997) - 가스맨 Gasman (1998) - 스위머 Swimmer (2012) - 브릿지 Brigitte (2019) 스몰 데스 Small Deaths (1996) 킬 더 데이 Kill the Day (1997) 가스맨 Gasman (1998) 스위머 Swimmer (2012) 2023. 5. 27. 구울 Ghoul The legendary artist Paul Komoda has really knocked it out of the park designing the ghoul that Pickman paints as his primary muse. Using the two known sketches drawn by Lovecraft himself as a guide, Paul followed his description in the story to the letter to create a nightmare made flesh. Lovecraft himself drew both of these designs for the Ghoul from Pickman's Model and we felt it only right t.. 2023. 5. 27. [스토리보드] 택시 드라이버 총격 시퀀스 Taxi Driver Shooting Scene Story Board: Martin Scorsese Martin Scorsese's Hand Drawn Taxi Driver Storyboards & the Stories Behind Them The 1976 thriller Taxi Driver is among filmmaker Martin Scorsese's most successful and most iconic movies. An eternal darling of film critics and cinephiles alike, the film garnered four Academy Awards nominations. It also marked the beginning of a collaboration with actor Robert De Niro a.. 2023. 4. 23. 오디움 분노의 환생 SIDESHOW - Odium: Reincarnated Rage “I was grafted together for the pitiful purpose of another's pride. In my making, you've unleashed more than just a mindless beast. Now feel my wrath!" Sideshow presents the Odium: Reincarnated Rage Maquette, the latest addition to our original Court of the Dead Collection. Odium was forged by the hands of Queen Gethsemoni, leader of the Faction of Flesh and mother to all the Underworld. Odium s.. 2023. 4. 23. 리퍼 제너럴 모티굴 SIDESHOW - Mortighull Risen Reaper General "I am torn between the Underworld's stalwart purpose and a desire to destroy. May the morrow come when I am freed from this sadistic paradox. Until then, I am the risen Reaper General Mortighull, a soldier of cruel purpose." - Mortighull Sideshow is proud to present Mortighull: The Risen Reaper General Premium Format™Figure, a terrifying new addition to our original Court of the Dead collection….. 2023. 4. 23. 리퍼 제너럴 SIDESHOW - Exalted Reaper General “I serve this realm. I serve Death. And I will do so with every last trace of spirit I retain.” Based on an all-original character design, Sideshow is proud to introduce Demithyle, Exalted Reaper General from our Court of the Dead collection. Adorned with intricately embellished armor worthy of his well-earned rank, Demithyle rallies his forces in defense of the Underworld. The ancient, storied .. 2023. 4. 23. 유골 레블레치 죽음의 성기사 SIDESHOW - Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead “There’s not a damn crypt you can’t crack if you've got the wiles and the 'headstones' to get the job done." - Relic Ravlatch, Paladin of the Dead Sideshow is excited to present the Relic Ravlatch: Paladin of the Dead Premium Format™ Figure. Relic Ravlatch is a deliciously irreverent adventurer from Sideshow’s original dark fantasy horror property, the Court of the Dead. The Relic Knights are st.. 2023. 4. 23. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 ··· 50 다음 728x90