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팔레오아트 Paleoart/David Krentz

티라노사우루스 다이노소어 레볼루션 Dinosaurs of Dinosaur Revolution

by webohi 2022. 6. 11.

Hello all!
For the past few years I've been directing a show called Dinosaur Revolution for Discovery Channel. Now that the show is aired, and I have my life back I thought it was time to show some of the 70 plus dinosaurs I modeled in ZBrush. The show had a very small but very talented group of modelers and texture artists that helped us achieve the creation of 100? or so characters. I don't really want to count...it makes me shudder. I'm quite obviously a dinosaur fan so this was a dream job for me. Anyway, I'll start with everyone's favourite dinosaur. T.rex.  I sculpted and detailed all these models. When I post pictures of other models that other people modeled on I will give them due credit.

I think the teeth on these guys are not the final ones. They should have serrations and I recall knocking a bunch of them out so all of the rexes wouldn't look the same.

To see the episode these guys are in you can see it here.

Here are some color renders and snaps from the show. As I said above, I'm trying to credit where it is due, I hope I don't leave anyone out! If so speak up! Of course, the whole crew was managed by our multi-talented Special Fx Supervisor Douglas Martin at/and Creative Differences.


Q. Can you share some wisdom about how you modeled all those perfect scales?

A. I did the scales the hard way. Dragging alphas and them patching them with claybrushes. I'd hit them with the DamStandard to vary them. In larger area I'd hard sculpt them.


well, since I was also a director and a writer on the show I'd say "thanks" . We tried to make a show that was first and foremost entertaining with characters that you'd care about. The world is filled with serious dino-docs, there is room for other takes on the subject matter. That said, I still love serious dino-docs.



David Krentz – Director, Lead Storyboard Artist, Lead Modeler

Ricardo Delgado – Storyboard Artist, Concept Artist

Douglas Martin – VFX Supervisor

Angie Rodrigues – Concept Artist, Modeler, Texture Artist

Bryant Hardwick – Texture Artist, Lighting & Rendering

Aaron Hamman – Texture Artist, Modeler

Vlad Konstantinov - Modeler

David Marmor - Modeler

Mark Dubeau - Modeler


출처 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinosaur_Revolution


Using ZBrush in Dinosaur Revolution
Zbrush was used extensively throughout this project and as Lead Texture Artist I thought I would breakdown some of the contributions I made using ZBrush on Dinosaur Revolution. As lead texture artist I was brought in to help create a pipeline that would take the dinosaurs modeled in ZBrush by David Krentz and his modeling team through texturing and shading, and send them off for animation and rendering, insuring quality and functionality. We looked at other texturing programs, but quickly settled on ZBrush’s Polypainting function to texture our dinosaurs.


This Showreel hightlights many of the creatures I textured for Dinosaur revolution. (Additional creature texturing by Bryant Hardwick, Aaron Hammon, and Angie Rodrigues)

For Dinosaur Revolution I was tasked with leading a team of texture painters in creating close to 200 photo-real dinosaurs in a short time. My tasks included working with the Creative Director and the VFX Supervisor to ensure the quality of the the characters up to the final render process.


Polypaint gave us the ability to use the sculpts themselves to aid in the creation of the textures with functions such as cavity masking, spray brushes, and alphas. Having Zbrush available for the texturing process made creating all the secondary texture maps much easier. We were able to use Zbrush to create highly accurate cavity maps based off the displacements which could be used in the creation of dirt maps, reflection maps, and even in the final diffuse. With Polypaint creating specialty maps, such as gloss maps were a breeze.

More Dinosaur Revolution Renders. Guonlongs - Skinny and Fatty, and Saurosuchus

HD Geometry

Although I was not one of the modelers that created the dinosaurs for the show, I did get the opportunity to detail and texture close-up heads using ZBrush’s HD Geometry feature. The stories in Dinosaur Revolution were extremely character based, so for some important shots the director David Krentz wanted to have ultra close shots of the main character’s faces. The details added on the heads of Torvosaurus and Allosaurus were all done by hand, each scale painstakingly added to match the original model.

Finally, some Renders of The Allosaurus HD Geometry sculpt.
