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팔레오아트 Paleoart/David Krentz

스피노사우루스 Spinosaurus

by webohi 2022. 9. 14.

World-renowned paleoartist David Krentz, whose work can be seen in Disney' Dinosaur, Discovery's Dinosaur Revolution, and the Walking With Dinosaurs 3D movie, released this 1:40 scale model of Spinosaurus in 2014. David crafted the figure as a three dimensional computer model, allowing the integration of massive surface textures and tremendous detail. The model is then "printed" as a physical piece, and cast in resin for all to enjoy.


Like all resin kits, this model ships disassembled and unpainted, and may require some slight cleanup. It is cast to order, a meticulous process which may take several weeks before the final model is ready to ship.


1:40 Scale, 7 piece kit, Length: 13 inches, Released 2014



