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팔레오아트 Paleoart/Prehistoric Planet 01

E01 #03 '위석' '출산' 엘라스모사우루스 Elasmosaurs 'pebbles' 'birth' - Prehistoric Planet

by webohi 2022. 12. 17.

1편. 해안 Coasts
 : 티라노사우루스 렉스 Tyrannosaurus Rex
 : 테티드라코 Tethydraco, 포스파토드라코 Phosphatodraco, 알키오네 Alcione, 바르바리닥틸루스 Barbaridactylus
 : 엘라스모사우루스 Elasmosaurs
 : 모사사우르 Mosasaur
 : 피크노돈트 Pycnodont (fish)
 : 암모나이트 Ammonites


The next sequence shows elasmosaurs (a group of #plesiosaurs) swallowing pebbles. We know for sure that they did this, many specimens have pebbles preserved inside them. Some the pebbles weigh as much as 2-3 kg and the total pebble load can involve 100s of them!


* 토식증 (Geophagy) / 위석 (Gastroliths)

The neck flexibility in our elasmosaurs reflects recent work showing that the neck (which was stout and muscular, not floppy and noodle-like) was highly flexible - NOT stiff!


Studies : Zammit et al., Nagesan et al. 



The four-wing swimming technique we show (and which Sir David) describes reflects the work of many scientists, but in particular that of Luke Eddy Muscutt and colleagues (I was part of this team). We found that plesiosaurs could capture the vortices created by the forelimbs with the hindlimbs, and thus boost performance!

The entire baby sequence is based on the remarkable polycotylid specimen on show at Los Angeles Natural History Museum, described by O'Keefe & Chiappe in 2011. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.1205689

..which shows that plesiosaurs gave birth to huge babies and, as a consequence (based on data from living lizards), likely had parent-baby bonds and larger social groups.

Tuarangisaurus by Gaëlle Seguillon

I did those concept keyframes at Jellyfish Pictures for the BBC/Apple TV+ PREHISTORIC PLANET documentary for the COASTS episode. It follows a pod of Tuarangisaurus travelling to a specific fjord to find and swallow gastroliths for their digestion. Their pattern is inspired from macquerels. 

Art Director : Tom Brass
