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팔레오아트 Paleoart/Prehistoric Planet 01

E01 #04 모사사우루스 Mosasaur, 피크노돈트 Pycnodont, 암모나이트 Ammonites - Prehistoric Planet

by webohi 2022. 12. 17.

1편. 해안 Coasts
 : 티라노사우루스 렉스 Tyrannosaurus Rex
 : 테티드라코 Tethydraco, 포스파토드라코 Phosphatodraco, 알키오네 Alcione, 바르바리닥틸루스 Barbaridactylus
 : 엘라스모사우루스 Elasmosaurs
 : 모사사우르 Mosasaur
 : 피크노돈트 Pycnodont (fish)
 : 암모나이트 Ammonites

Our mosasaur sequence highlights the new, streamlined, robust-bodied look we now think correct for these animals - they were not lumpy and crocodile-like as used to be shown.

I am way behind on what I wanted to say and not finished yet still planning to mention lots of people note the mosasaur's palatal teeth, forked tongue, and all that detail we built into his skin!

I'm especially pleased that we featured pycnodont fish - an unusual, mostly Mesozoic group with deep bodies and unusual crushing teeth (reconstruction of Scalacurvichthys by Ashley Patch).

The next sequence depicts scaphitid Ammonites. Anmonites were a worldwide presence in Mesozoic seas and were absurdly diverse. Also by the Late Cretaceous they'd been around for over 250 million years already. We very deliberately wanted to show that they almost certainly must have evolved anatomical and behavioural complexity probably rivalling (or exceeding?) that of their living relatives, the octopuses and squids. The idea that bioluminesence might have been present is not at all outlandish.


OK, we're at the end already!! I didn't get through half of the stuff I wanted to, doing this on my phone was not a good idea.
I have to emphasise that Prehistoric Planet was a gargantuan group effort, involving skills & expertise of about 1500 people. Tens of animators at MPC bought our animals to life, the sounds (by the Wounded Buffalo Team), the music (Hans Zimmer and the Bleeding Fingers Group).

Damien Guimoneau

I had the pleasure to work as a lead creature on Prehistoric Planet, Sculpting, Modelling, Texturing tones of dinos and scales.

I had the chance to be the first dino creature artist on this show in summer 2019 and started on the T-Rex adult for a while and worked on the show more than half a year on more than 30 dinos because I was also in charge of the technical aspects making sure that all the different loads and proportions was ready for this huge show (laying the foundations for the show).

Indeed many years and lots of talented peps on this serie was bringing the final models you can see here, it's a huge team effort!


I worked closely with my friends in life Simon Green Anthony Sieben Alin Bolcas Dan Zelcs and many others.. glad to see a realistic Dino documentary even more with this beautiful voice on top. Second time I was working with Adam Valdez and Jon Favreau, we also worked closely with Palaeontologists.


Big shout out to all those involved Anelia Asparuhova, Jesus Fernandez, Gabriel Arnold, Gaelle Seguillon,Gaurav Kumar, Jeremy Beruel, Geoffrey Coppin. Also big shout out to Sandip Ghatak (Lead) and Abhijit De (Supervisor) and sanjay singh ( lead at Bangalor ) who did an amazing work on the final result!

Mosasaur fight - Gaëlle Seguillon

I did those concept keyframes at Jellyfish Pictures for the Prehistoric Planet documentary for the Coasts episode. It follows a Mosasaur Hoffmanni wearing it's bright red mating display coloration. It comes to shallow waters to enjoy a good shed and clean with the help of local fauna such as Pycnodonts.
Art Director : Tom Brass

David Krentz Mosasaur Concept Art

I think I actually like the the original better than my adjustments with the mosasaur.

I'm glad it stayed closer to this.

Ammonite(F) - Saurabh Bhandari
I worked on Ammonite(F). I was part of the character modeling team with a great lead Sandip Ghatak and many talented artists. Many congratulations to all the artists (Texturing, Fur, lookdev,..etc) for their amazing work, It was a great experience for me. Hope you guys have already enjoyed this series. If not must watch. Thank you!
