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팔레오아트 Paleoart/Prehistoric Planet 01

E02 #04 '음용' 바르바리닥틸루스 안킬로사우루스 테리지노사우루Barbaridactylus, Ankylosaurs, Therizinosaurs

by webohi 2023. 3. 6.

2편. 사막 Desert

 : 드레아드노우그투스 Dreadnoughtus

 : 타르보사우루스 Tarbosaurus

 : 벨로키랍토르 Velociraptor

 : 모노니쿠스 Mononykus

 : 바르바리닥틸루스 Barbaridactylus (Hadrosaur)

 : 안킬로사우루스 Ankylosaurs (Ankylosaurid)

 : 알바레즈사우루스류 Alvarezsaurs

 : 테리지노사우루스 Therizinosaurs 

 : 아즈다르코과 Azhdarchids

 : 티타노사우루스류 Titanosaurian

 : 바르바리닥틸루스 Barbaridactylus

Moving on, we stay in Asia and meet the hadrosaur Barsboldia, a (probably) flat-headed hadrosaur from Mongolia, named in 1981 and notable for the tall, wavy ridge along its backbone.


These animals lived in environments (now preserved in the Nemegt Formation) that featured lakes, floodplains and forests at times, but also large, dune-dominated deserts at others. The animals here would have encountered desert conditions during parts of their histories.

We see an awesome gathering of animals known from the region, including at least two titanosaurian sauropods (including the 'Mongolian titan'), ankylosaurid ankylosaurs, alvarezsaurs, therizinosaurs (YES), more azhdarchids, and Tarbosaurus again. Too much to talk about!


We came up with specific drinking behaviours for our animals. Sauropods are suction-drinkers (that submerge the whole mouth and nose to drink: yes there are animals that do this), ornithischians use vertical tongue motion ('piston drinking') and theropods are 'scoop drinkers'.

Also important in this scene is the idea that animals are acutely aware of the body language expressed by other species. The hadrosaurs are not too worried about the arrival of the tyrannosaur, for example, since it is sending 'I'm not hunting' signals.
