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크리쳐 Creature/미분류

진드기 보초병 Ixodes Excubitor

by webohi 2023. 6. 13.

Ixodes Excubitor 

Only the strongest can survive the blessings of the Black Grail. The ones that do are inducted into the ranks of the Excubitors, bodyguards to the nobility of the Black Grail. This particular excubitor is high ranking, as shown by his tapeworm adornments.


My man Brian Fay is sculpting the Ixodes Excubitor. The plan is to have it as a kit at MONSTERPALOOZA, heres some early zbrush sculpt before he gets into the actual phyiscal gosh darn sculpting. Brian is a legit master sculptor, and there are few like him, I am blessed.

