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팔레오아트 Paleoart/David Krentz

티라노사우루스 David Krentz - Tyrannosaurus 'Regina Mundi'

by webohi 2022. 3. 17.

- The Project
This Kickstarter is to introduce my latest sculpture Regina Mundi to the world. The goal for me is to raise enough money to pay for the prototype 3D print as well as resin and bronze molds.

- The Process
Years ago I transitioned from traditional clay sculpting to digital sculpting. I was an early user of ZBrush (version 1.5!) and I quickly realized the potential of using that 3D sculpting program for creating really detailed sculpts. Now, with the advent of 3D printing I can make my dinosaurs real in a fraction of the time that a clay sculpt would have taken me! 3D printing is still very expensive, and this campaign will help offset the costs of that. Hopefully I will earn enough to buy my own 3D printer!


  : 몇년 전부터, 나는 전통적인 조소 방식에서 디지털 스컬핑으로 작업 방식을 전환했다. 초창기 지브러쉬 1.5버전부터 사용을 시작한 발빠른 유저였고, 툴을 사용하면서 3D 프로그램이 정교한 디테일을 표현 할 수 있다는 잠재력을 깨달았다. 툴이 익숙해져서 이제는 손으로 빚는 점토보다 더 빠른 시간 안에 조형물을 만들어 낼 수 있다! 3D 프린팅 비용은 여전히 비싸지만, 이번 킥스타터 캠패인이 비용 부분을 벌충해주길 기대한다. 언젠가 나만의 3D 프린터를 구매하게 될 날이 왔으면 하는 바램이다!

- About Regina Mundi-Queen of the World
Regina Mundi is my 3rd interpretation of Sue, the famous T.rex from the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. Our understanding of dinosaurs changes all the time, as do their appearance. In 1999 my first version of Sue ( Rex Mundi) was much thinner- these days it would be called "shrink wrapped". in 2008 my second version was the Sideshow Collectibles T.rex. She was more fleshed out and reflected some of the wounds and pathologies that have been described data-on the skeleton. This new version, Regina Mundi, is my most comprehensive version to date. After working with paleontologists for a period of 5 months this is the shape she now takes. She is now a big beefy brute! New evidence suggests thats T.rex was perhaps covered in tiny little scales and its face may have been protected by a keratinous sheath and large scales data-on its snout. The prospect of some kind of hair or feather like integument can still not be ruled out, so I included what I like to call "elephant hairs" over parts of her body. Recently it has become common to depict dinosaurs with lips which was something I could not resist exploring. I tried to incorporate every wound and pathology that Sue had, from gout, broken bones, infections, bites and pulled muscles...it is clear this dinosaur led a rough life . She was a real character. I can't resist a good character. I won't lie, this sculpt was a hard data-one for me to do. I was trying to break old habits and reinvent my style. I wanted a pose that said "don't mess with mamma-bear" but still maintain a subtle more animalistic gesture. I tried for grace and girth at the same time. I hope I got that.


  : Regina Mundi는 시카고 자연사 필드 뮤지엄에 전시된 전세계적으로 가장 유명한 티렉스로, 이번 작품은 나의 3번째 해석물이다. 공룡에 대한 연구는 현재 진행형이기에, 그들의 외형 또한 조금씩 해석의 변화가 생긴다. 1999년 첫번째 버전의 Sue 조형 'Rex Mundi'는 훨씬 더 날씬한데, 요즘은 아마도 이를 두고 수축 포장됐다고 말할 것이다. 2008년 두번째 버전의 티렉스는 사이드쇼 제조사를 통해 발매됐다. 두번째 버전은 좀 더 살집이 있고 발굴된 스켈레톤 화석의 상처 부분을 반영해서 조형했다. 그리고 세번째 새로운 버전 'Regina Mundi'는 현재까지의 고고학적 연구 자료들을 포괄적으로 반영한 조형물이다. 고고학 전문가들과 5개월간 같이 하면서 연구를 통해 습득한 지식들을 이번 조형물에 반영했다. 육중한 외형을 가진 그녀! 새로운 고고학 자료들은 티라노사우루스가 아마도 작은 비늘들로 덮여 있으며 얼굴은 각질 껍데기로 주둥이의 큰 비늘을 보호하고 있을 것이라 설명한다. 외피와 같은 종류의 어떤 머리카락이나 깃털이 덮여있을 가능성은 여전히 ​​확실할 수 없었다. 그래서 나는 그녀의 신체 일부분에 "코끼리 털"이라고 부르고 싶은 것을 포함 시켰다. 최근들어 공룡의 입술을 묘사하는 방식이 많이 통용되고 있고, 나 또한 그런 부분을 반영하고 싶었다. 나는 Sue 화석이 갖고 있는 모든 상처와 병리학적 증거들을 반영하려고 노력했다. 통풍, 부러진 뼈, 감염, 물린 근육, 찢긴 근육 등등.. 이를 통해 나는 공룡의 거친 삶을 표현하고 싶었다. Sue 그녀는 현존했던 생물 이다. 이 매력적인 피사체를 거부하긴 힘들 것이다. 거짓말 안하겠다. 이번 조형물은 내가 지금껏 만들어온 것들 중 가장 어렵운 작업이었다. 갖고 있던 습관들을 타파하고 나만의 새로운 스타일을 개발하려고 노력했다. 포즈는 "엄마 곰을 화나게 만들지 마"라는 느낌, 그러면서도 미묘한 동물적 제스쳐가 유지되도록 묘사하고 싶었다. 우아함과 절박함을 동시에 추구했고 그런 점이 결과물에서 잘 느껴지길 바란다. 

- To All of You
To those of you who have supported me in the past, thank you. As an artist working in the film industry is was always important for me to keep my own artistic identity. Dinosaurs have been that outlet for me. I am always grateful for your kind words about my work. My Gorgosaurus sculpture entitled "Judith" that I created 22 years ago is still a bestseller. That fact still amazes and humbles me. This Kickstarter is for all of you. I want the opportunity to make more work for you to enjoy!

- Risks and challenges
I tried to keep my rewards small and manageable given my busy schedule. I didn't want to offer too many choices that would eventually be confusing and hard to fulfill. If this all goes well I will go into the next venture wiser and most likely more ambitious! The data-only setbacks I can see would be those involved in the time it takes to make molds and cast pieces. I've given myself any my mold maker/caster Edward Holt ample time to fulfill orders, and If they arrive sooner than October I will of course let you all know!

Field Museum's T. rex Sue

Paleoartist David Krentz used advanced ZBrush digital sculpting and 3D printing to bring out staggering detail in this massive sculpt, which was released as a resin kit in 2019.

"Regina Mundi is my 3rd interpretation of Sue, the famous T.rex from the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. 
Our understanding of dinosaurs changes all the time, as do their appearance. 
In 1999 my first version of Sue (Rex Mundi) was much thinner - these days it would be called "shrink wrapped". 
In 2008 my second version was the Sideshow Collectibles T.rex. 
She was more fleshed out and reflected some of the wounds and pathologies that have been described data-on the skeleton. 
This new version, Regina Mundi, is my most comprehensive version to date. 
After working with paleontologists for a period of 5 months, this is the shape she now takes. 
She is now a big beefy brute! 
New evidence suggests thats T.rex was perhaps covered in tiny little scales and its face may have been protected by a keratinous sheath and large scales data-on its snout. 
The prospect of some kind of hair or feather like integument can still not be ruled out, so I included what I like to call "elephant hairs" over parts of her body. 
Recently it has become common to depict dinosaurs with lips which was something I could not resist exploring. 
I tried to incorporate every wound and pathology that Sue had, from gout, broken bones, infections, bites and pulled muscles... 
It is clear this dinosaur led a rough life. She was a real character. 
I can't resist a good character. I won't lie, this sculpt was a hard data-one for me to do.
I was trying to break old habits and reinvent my style. 
I wanted a pose that said "don't mess with mamma-bear" but still maintain a subtle more animalistic gesture. 
I tried for grace and girth at the same time. I hope I got that."


Another T.rex WIP. This time I have tried to add the cornified sheath data-on his/her face that Dr.Witton wowed about in his awesome blog post here. 


I wanted to try it out and see how it looks. 
I think when I add some face biting damage it will unify the textures a little. 
I think I need to live with this for a few days and see how I feel, reach out to some paleo people and do my own research.


Playing with some poses for the T.rex. I am committing to some of the poses that "Jack" takes in Dinosaur Revolution. 
I'm not sure the head down pose will work for the sculpt, it might be too passive for what I'm going for.
It works for Jack because of his skull face. 
Then there is the eternal struggle of mouth or open mouth closed. 
I am leaning towards open but having the option of customers buying a closed version head. 
I don't think just another jaw will do because of the cheek area needs to conform to the closure.


Need some input. I'm putting finishing touches data-on the new rex, which is cleary based data-on Sue's skeleton. 
Rex Mundi was also based data-on Sue ( what was known in 2000) and I tried to include the pathologies. 
I'm wondering if I should include Sue's pathologies (based data-on what we know now) again or just give it new kinds of wounds? 
Oh alright, I'll post some images...nice and dark.

I don't know if this is an option for the Regina Mundi resin kit yet, but I thought I'd try a mouth closed head ( as requested option by some of you) just to see what it looked like. 
It was clear I needed to tip the head down a little to make the pose more natural. 
My intent was always a more natural pose for this piece. It works OK. 
I'd need to resculpt the back of the jaw and fenestra to get the proper jaw muscles reacting. 
The gular pouch needs adjusting too.
Good news is that the lips sealed perfectly without any adjustments or moving teeth around.
Cue arguments about dinosaur lips in 3-2-1....



- 파티나 컨셉 Patina Concept

- 출력물 Print


