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[스토리보드] 택시 드라이버 총격 시퀀스 Taxi Driver Shooting Scene Story Board: Martin Scorsese Martin Scorsese's Hand Drawn Taxi Driver Storyboards & the Stories Behind Them The 1976 thriller Taxi Driver is among filmmaker Martin Scorsese's most successful and most iconic movies. An eternal darling of film critics and cinephiles alike, the film garnered four Academy Awards nominations. It also marked the beginning of a collaboration with actor Robert De Niro a.. 2023. 4. 23.
[스토리보드] 에이아이 A.I. Artificial Intelligence Cryogenic Medical Facility Flesh Fair Moon Blimp The Flesh Fair Bridge entrance to Rogue City Rogue City New York under water Post Humanity Ice Fields Development of A.I. originally began after producer/director Stanley Kubrick acquired the rights to Aldiss' story in the early 1970s. Kubrick hired a series of writers, including Brian Aldiss, Bob Shaw, Ian Watson, and Sara Maitland, until the mid.. 2023. 3. 8.
[스토리보드] 기생충 계단 시퀀스 Parasite Stairs Scene 1. 떨어지는 빗물 2. 상하수도로 흘러가는 물줄기 3. 비탈 지형에서 프라이버시 확보를 위한 용벽 4. 하강하는 계단 5. 터널 6. 우수로 잠긴 반지하 공간 로케이션 Location - 박사장 집 : 전주 영화 종합 촬영소 세트 제작 - '옹벽' : 성북구 선잠로 - '자하문 터널 계단' / '자하문 터널' : 종로구 청운동 - '대호 빌라 옆다리' : 용산구 후암동 - '계단' : 종로구 지붕로 창신동 - '돼지슈퍼' (영화 속 '우리슈퍼') : 마포구 손기정로 - '계단' : 서대문구 북아현동 출처 : http://english.seoulfc.or.kr/naa/na/index.asp?no=6&mode=view&IDX=763&p=1 "Shutter 40cm" Mansion - Garage - Nig.. 2023. 1. 28.
[스토리보드] 블레이드러너 2049 오프닝 시퀀스 Blade Runner 2049 Opening Scene This version of the opening of Blade Runner was never shot. The beautifully concieved continuity is by Sherman Labby. This is the storyboard he created. All credit belongs to him for the artwork. Viewing is a must for all true BR Fans! There are 27 frames in all and they may take a moment to load. Spinner kicks up dust.. / Spinner lands-Dog barks at it as Deckard raises hatch Wind Blows Deckard .. 2023. 1. 27.
[스토리보드] 싸이코 샤워실 살인 시퀀스 Psycho The Bathroom Murder (Shower scene) Story Board : Saul Bass Frames from the shower sequence storyboard The shower scene comprises of 78 shots edited into a 45 second segment and took 7 days to complete. Saul envisioned a fast-cut, impressionistic murder, with no blood until the very end when it swiris down the drain. The script suggested certain image: others he invented, like the pulling down of the shower curtain. Contact sheet .. 2023. 1. 15.
[스토리보드] 엑스맨 2 나이트크롤러 백악관 시퀀스 X-Men 2 Nightcrawler White House Attack Scene Story Board: Gabriel Hardman Nightcrawler disguises himself as one of the members of a tour group to enter the White House. To cover the unusual blue color of his skin he wears a long raincoat, a hat, sunglasses, and apllies white make-up (a trick he kept from his days as a circus performer) to cover his face and neck. Later on, during Nightcrawler's actual attack on the president, his disguise .. 2023. 1. 13.