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헐크 사이드쇼 SIDESHOW Hulk Sideshow Hulk (2005) - Product Size : 20" H (508mm) x 18" W (457.2mm) x 16" D (406.4mm) - Weight : 23.13 kg “Something is coming your way - SOMETHING BIG.” Sideshow and Marvel Comics are proud to present the Premium Format figure of the Incredible Hulk! Sculpted by Hulk-fan Andy Bergholtz, the Premium Format Incredible Hulk is a fitting tribute to the original Jack Kirby design, with monstrously.. 2022. 6. 15.
헐크 Hulk 2022. 6. 14.
길맨 해양괴물 Gillman Creature from the Black Lagoon Designed and Sculpted by the Shiflett Brothers, Resin bust kit. Stands over 4 inches tall. Comes in two unpainted pieces. Cast by the great Steve West of Cellar Cast Creature From The Black Lagoon we did for Moore Creations back in the day, it never came out but we were still happy to work on it. There were only four resin Artist Proofs cast of our Creature piece before the project was abandoned.. 2022. 6. 10.
괴물 The Host (2006) 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2022. 6. 9.
가이버 베이더 매시업 흉상 Bioboosted Vader Guyver Vader mash-up My Bioboosted Vader mashup between a Guyver and Darth Vader. Hoping to get him ready for designercon. Will probably be 1/3 scale. 2022. 6. 7.
스웜프씽 사이드쇼 SIDESHOW Swamp Thing Swamp Thing Maquette - Price : $820/$800 - Limited Edition: (EX)250/500 - Product Size : Height: 23.62" (60 cm) x Width: 12.25" (31.1 cm) x Depth: 14" (35.6 cm) * ABOUT THIS MAQUETTE “I am a ghost out of time. Condemned to a moment that is far beyond the world of clocks and calendars and the rhythms of nature…” The Avatar of the Green arises! Sideshow is proud to present a shambling shadow of th.. 2022. 6. 3.
가팀 다크크리스탈 웨타 WETA - Garthim GARTHIM - Price : $799.00 - Size : 1/6 scale statue : Dimensions : (W x H x D) 44 cm x 34 cm x 33 cm - Weight : 6.4 kg - Limited Edition of 500 As huge fans of Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal (1982), Wētā Workshop is excited to dive into the world of Thra and create premium collectibles for this iconic film. The Skeksis have remained separated from their other halves, the urRu, for too long; only .. 2022. 6. 3.
늑대인간 Werewolf Here a JUST FOR FUN model, This is just a Wip, Don´t know if I will finish it. Also here an small description about the process. I used the Zack Petroc Skeleton ( http://www.zackpetroc.com/skeleton-a...s-of-the-body/) like base structure, to start a mockup werewolf skeleton, based on the Animal/ Human comparative anatomy ( http://hippie.nu/~unicorn/tut/xhtml-chunked/ch03.html ). From there, usin.. 2022. 6. 2.
부에노아이레스 외계인 공격 그래픽노블 해석물 Huellas de la invasión at Tecnópolis 아무도 말하지 않은 부에노스 아이레스에 대한 외계인의 공격. Héctor Germán Oesterheld와 Francisco Solano López의 그래픽 노블 "El Eternauta"에서 그려진 1963년 외계인 침공의 흔적을 찾기 위한 매혹적인 설치물. 가장 중요한 스페인어권 만화 중 하나인 선구적인 창조자의 세계를 묘사한 조각, 비디오, 소리 및 사진이 있는 박물관. 집단 영웅의 잊을 수 없는 이야기를 놀라울 정도로 재현하는 강렬한 경험. Re-diseño de personajes para Muestra ¨Huellas de una Invasión¨ Acá comparto imágenes de un proyecto soñado y que gracias a Martin Oesterheld, tuv.. 2022. 6. 2.