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오모라 외계인 흉상 Omora Alien Bust 2022. 7. 24.
드래곤 RenCon Dragon 드래곤 RenCon Dragon "Weta Dragon" This is a dragon Richard Taylor asked me to design and sculpt sometime around 2005-2006. He wanted a traditional looking dragon for decorative purposes. It appeared in one of the Spectrum volumes, and a scaled up version sits in the Roxy Cinema in Miramar, Wellington. I believe this copy was painted by Les Nairn at Weta Workshop and the photos were taken by Steve .. 2022. 7. 21.
[DB] 한국의 요괴 크리쳐 몬스터 Mythical Creature of Korea 유형 분류 1.1. 도깨비 : 도깨비, 두두리, 거구귀, 그슨대... 1.2. 인간 / 변신형 : 고관대면, 귀태, 금돼지, 노구화위남... 1.3. 동물형 : 금혈어, 강길, 불개, 삼두일족응, 상사뱀... 1.3.1. 여우 : 구미호(九尾狐), 노호정, 노구화호, 삼두구미... 1.3.2. 호랑이 : 사풍흑호, 김현감호, 금강호, 백포건호 1.4. 비? 기타? 생물형 : 두병, 죽엽군, 괴목신, 무고경주, 백화륜... + 1.4.1. 곤충 : + 1.4.2. 식물 : 1.5. 거대괴수 : 이무기, 강철이, 영노, 현무... (크기분류?) 1.1. 도깨비 - 도깨비 (鬼, Goblin) - 두두리 (豆豆里) - 거구귀 (巨口鬼) - 그슨대 - 그슨새 - 두억시니 (頭抑神, Demon) - 길달 (吉達).. 2022. 7. 20.
베놈 흉상 Venom Bust 2022. 7. 16.
양서류인 Frog Girl 'Amphibiana' Or "The Pond Spirit's Wife" or "Madame Toad" I recently had a few weeks off work, during which time I finished up some things that had been sitting around. I've been wanting to do something involving a toad for a long time, since I thought the textures would be fun to do and the paint job would be a good challenge. The female character on top is something I had come up with way back when, and I .. 2022. 7. 15.
데몬 걸 Demon Girl I have actually been busy doing a chapter for a "tips and techniques" for Zbrush. This is one of the images, as well as a few from here that will be in the book. But more on that soon! This lady has been 3D printed, by the awesome guys at ownage and is awaiting painting! So I will post the photo's when she's done. Hi everyone. I have finally got everything sorted with this figure. At the moment,.. 2022. 7. 10.
옴스테드씨 변이 The violent transformation of Mr. Olmsted 2022. 7. 9.
스케어크로우 그림고어, 미스터 할로우 Scarecrows Grimgore and Mister Hallows Scarecrows Mister Hallows Scarecrows Grimgore 2022. 7. 8.
하이에나 수인 흉상 Werehyena Bust Werehyena - Wikipedia Mythological creature A hyena as depicted in a medieval bestiary Were-hyena is a neologism coined in analogy to werewolf for therianthropy involving hyenas. It is common in the folklore of the Arabian Peninsula, the Levant, North Africa, the Horn of Africa en.wikipedia.org 2022. 7. 2.