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바람의 계곡 나우시카 Nausicaa Of The Valley Of Wind [부해 창작] 다케타니 타카유키가 말하는 “팀워크로 만들어낸 나우시카의 세계” 「지브리의 대박람회」, 현재 나고야에서 개최되고 있는 「애니메이션과 지브리 전」에 전시된 「바람의 계곡의 나우시카」 부해 세계를 모티브로 한 조형물은 압도적인 세계의 구축과 세세한 묘사로 방문객의 마음에 인상을 남겨 대이벤트의 큰 주목을 받고있다. 그런 부해 세계의 메이킹 사진집 『부해 창조 사진으로 보는 조형 프로세스』가 현재 발매 중이다. 조형 작가로서 세계에 많은 팬을 가진 타케타 타카유키를 중심으로 한 팀이 만들어낸 「나우시카」 세계의 뒤편에는 어떤 드라마가 숨겨져 있는지 본서 저자인 타케야씨의 이야기를 들어보자. ― 우선, 기획의 계기부터 들려 주세요. 타케야 : 우치의 카미씨(타케야 케이코)가 사진을 하고 있어, 작.. 2023. 6. 27.
프랑켄슈타인 버니 라이트슨 Bernie Wrightson - Frankenstein Bernie Wrightson's Masterpiece The classic story of tragic horror is brought to life with black and white illustrations by Bernie Wrightson. "Bernie Wrightson is an artist of gerat talent and great heart. Mary Shelley's romance of the Modern Prometheus is done justice by these illustrations. They capture intent and mood, these forty-some pen and ink studies, and I think-hope!-you'll find that no.. 2023. 6. 20.
진드기 보초병 Ixodes Excubitor Ixodes Excubitor Only the strongest can survive the blessings of the Black Grail. The ones that do are inducted into the ranks of the Excubitors, bodyguards to the nobility of the Black Grail. This particular excubitor is high ranking, as shown by his tapeworm adornments. My man Brian Fay is sculpting the Ixodes Excubitor. The plan is to have it as a kit at MONSTERPALOOZA, heres some early zbrus.. 2023. 6. 13.
드래곤 Dragon Just wanted to let folks know that, unless something goes awry, I'll be exhibiting at Monsterpalooza this coming weekend, at table #16. It will be my first time exhibiting there, so fingers crossed that all will go smoothly. I'll be selling sculpture busts (both painted and unpainted castings), stickers, buttons and magnets. Here's a dragon I finished recently, something I've really been wanting.. 2023. 6. 8.
프랑켄슈타인 Cine Art - Frankenstein Boris Karloff Frankenstein head by Miles Teves, a Hollywood artist and conceptual designer who works on television productions, films, and computer games. He has worked on films from King Kong (2005,) Total Recall (1990,) Interview with the Vampire, Iron Man, The Passion of the Christ and so many more! Up for auction April 13th 2013! We will be holding a horror-inspired charity auction at the Mo.. 2023. 6. 8.
프랑켄슈타인 Artattack Frankenstein Boris Karloff This is 'Simple Pleasure', a figure I made in 1994. It stands 26" tall and weighs about 15lbs and I believe I made 15 resin copies, some painted like this but most with a faux bronze and ivory finish, all of which sold. I enjoyed the process of trying to capture Karloff's likeness and especially of sculpting his hands, but looking at it now it's obvious that both his hands and head are a bit too.. 2023. 6. 6.
[DB] 프랑켄슈타인 역사 'Frankenstein' Evolution of Character 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2023. 5. 28.
구울 Ghoul The legendary artist Paul Komoda has really knocked it out of the park designing the ghoul that Pickman paints as his primary muse. Using the two known sketches drawn by Lovecraft himself as a guide, Paul followed his description in the story to the letter to create a nightmare made flesh. Lovecraft himself drew both of these designs for the Ghoul from Pickman's Model and we felt it only right t.. 2023. 5. 27.
오디움 분노의 환생 SIDESHOW - Odium: Reincarnated Rage “I was grafted together for the pitiful purpose of another's pride. In my making, you've unleashed more than just a mindless beast. Now feel my wrath!" Sideshow presents the Odium: Reincarnated Rage Maquette, the latest addition to our original Court of the Dead Collection. Odium was forged by the hands of Queen Gethsemoni, leader of the Faction of Flesh and mother to all the Underworld. Odium s.. 2023. 4. 23.