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[DB] T-800 디자인 터미네이터 Terminator T-800 Design T-2’s T-800 ENDOSKELETON It's much more technically advanced than the endoskeleton in the first movie. It's actually artistically advanced beyond the endoskeleton in the first movie. But these things are subtleties that only we as the artists and technicians will see. TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY's new T-800s assembled in Stan Winston Studio. Stan Winston adjusts the full-size T-800 puppet on the .. 2023. 3. 10.
[DB] 스탠 윈스턴 스튜디오 Stan Winston Studio 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2023. 2. 9.
에이아이 A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2022. 10. 24.
프랑켄슈타인 흉상 Frankenstein “It’s Alive” Charity Auction It’s Halloween time, boys and ghouls, and what better way to celebrate than a whole month of blog posts packed with the spooky effects you have come to know and love from Legacy Effects? Sure, a costume party with scantily clad ‘nurses’ and ‘kittens’ could be better, but this is right up there. So let’s kick off this awesome month with one of the most notable movie creatures of all time, Franken.. 2022. 5. 10.
[DB] 아이언맨1 Iron Monger The making of Stan Winston's 10' tall Iron Monger live-ction suit that Stan Winston Studio created for Iron Man1. Also, you can see Obadiah Stane when he visited the studio for a suit test. 2022. 3. 8.
[DB] 아이언맨1 Iron Man - Real Suit. Real Performance. 출처 : https://www.stanwinstonschool.com/blog/iron-man-the-real-iron-man-suit Iron Man - The Real Iron Man Suit Follow the creation of the real Iron Man suit from IRON MAN. Special Effects wizards create an Iron Man suit that honors the comic book but functions in the real world. www.stanwinstonschool.com 아이언맨1 Real IRON MAN Suit. Real Performance. Iron Man's real suits maintained the iconic propo.. 2022. 3. 8.
[DB] 아이언맨1 Iron Man - The Making of the Mark I "Cave Escape" Suit 출처 : https://www.stanwinstonschool.com/blog/iron-man-the-making-of-the-mark-i-cave-escape-suit Iron Man - Building the Mark I "Cave Escape" suit Building the "real" Mark I suit for Jon Favreau's Iron Man movie. The first Iron Man suit sets the bar for Tony Stark's suits to come. www.stanwinstonschool.com 아이언맨1 Iron Man - The Making of the Mark I "Cave Escape" Suit Iron Man's "real" Mark I suit, .. 2022. 3. 8.