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팔레오아트 Paleoart56

로케이션 프리히스토릭 플래닛 On Location with Prehistoric Planet Mike Gunton : I remeber I was standing on a mountain with David Attenborough for the Africa series. One of the lines he was saying was, "Nowhere on the planet does wildlife put on a greater show." And I started thinking about, "I wonder what it would have been like to have stood here when the dinosaurs and those creatures were at their finest moment." And then I thought, "I wonder if we could ac.. 2022. 12. 16.
스테고사우루스 PNSO - Stegosaurus 'Biber' 'Rook' Biber, the Stegosaurus Scientific Art Reconstruction Image of Biber, the Stegosaurus Stegosaurus Skeleton Scientific art reconstruction image of Biber, the Stegosaurus’s left hind leg Tail Spikes Tail Spikes Almost all stegosaurian dinosaurs had small heads and therefore, limited intelligence. To make up for that, some of them developed tissue in their buttocks. Kentrosaurus, which lived 150 mil.. 2022. 11. 26.
스피노사우루스 PNSO - Spinosaurus 2022. 11. 25.
버크 & 도우 티라노사우루스 쥬라기공원 2 PRIME1 - T-Rex Cliff Attack Jurassic Park 2 Diorama 2022. 11. 21.
이구아노돈 Iguanodon 2022.07.06 1/18 스케일 다음 모델 티져 이미지. 가격 및 완성 날짜는 아직 미정. Little tease of what's next for the 1:18 scale series. Don't know when...don't know how much... 2022.07.07 이구아노돈은 두 마리를 조형해볼까 싶다. 첫번째 베르니사르텐시스(bernissartensis)는 후경에서 가장 최신의 학문적 증거 자료를 반영하지만 고전적인 캥거루 포즈를 취한 모습으로 그리고 전면에 위치한 두번째 만텔리사우루스(Mantellisaurus)는 선두에서 언덕 아래를 내려가는 모습으로. 당연하게도, 이것은 과거 내가 디자인 작업에 참여한 (디즈니 영화 다이노소어 등장한) 한쌍의 커플 알라다(Aladar)와 니라.. 2022. 9. 23.
스테고사우루스 Stegosaurus Stenops Stegosaurus Stenops (1/15 scale Statue) This 30" long Stegosaurus stenops was done around 2014 I think and I decided to just indulge myself and add various protective armaments that would seem appropriate on a large herbivore wandering through a world filled with packs of hungry carnivores. As far as I know, there's no fossil evidence for any of these dermal protections, except for the heavy sca.. 2022. 9. 15.
스피노사우루스 Spinosaurus World-renowned paleoartist David Krentz, whose work can be seen in Disney' Dinosaur, Discovery's Dinosaur Revolution, and the Walking With Dinosaurs 3D movie, released this 1:40 scale model of Spinosaurus in 2014. David crafted the figure as a three dimensional computer model, allowing the integration of massive surface textures and tremendous detail. The model is then "printed" as a physical pi.. 2022. 9. 14.
티라노사우루스 렉스 Tyrannosaurus Rex This is a hollow resin casting of the head and neck from a 1/5 scale full body T.rex I made over two decades ago, and my intention was to blend the seam lines, make a few minor alterations and paint it and who knows, I might actually get to it when my current project is done. Then again, where have I heard that before? These T.rex busts were done a quite few years ago, developed from a 1/10 scal.. 2022. 7. 25.
케찰코아틀루스 프테라노돈 Quetzalcoatlus and Pteranodon Chicago Field Museum | Stanley Field Hall Flyting Pterosaurs In the spring of 2018, the Field Museum opened it’s newly renovated grand entry hall. The new Stanley Field Hall features a cast of the 122-foot long titanosaur as well as futuristic hanging gardens and a flock of extinct giant flying reptiles. The flock of scientifically accurate pterosaurs (which are flying reptiles, not dinosaurs) c.. 2022. 7. 22.