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팔레오아트 Paleoart56

파라사우롤로푸스 HCG - Parasaurolophus Herd The Crossing by Taku Makino 2022. 5. 4.
티라노사우루스 스켈레톤 모델 Walking Tyrannosaurus Rex Skeleton Model at COSI by John Allen (Hall Train Studio) Walking T-rex for AMNH Travelling show Here is a collection of test footage of an six foot long model of a tyrannosaurus. This was made by Hall Train Studio for a travelling exhibit produced by the AMNH. https://vimeo.com/20540056 AMNH Walking T-Rex Hall Train and John Allen - March 2005 https://vimeo.com/1929435 2022. 5. 4.
트리케라톱스 질주 Galloping Triceratops by Tony Mcvey I've had a lifelong interest in dinosaurs and used to manufacture and sell model kit versions for several years. These two versions of Triceratops have maybe 10 years between them. the Galloping Triceratops was painted by Shane Foulkes, an amazing sculptor and painter who makes his own extensive line of dinosaur model kits, and I believe Shane assembled and painted this for a collector who initi.. 2022. 4. 27.
트리케라톱스 Beast of Mesozoic - Triceratops Action Figures Just put up another base mesh for sale. This one is a Triceratops, which should make a good starting point for pretty much any ceratopsian. Check it out on Gumroad! https://gum.co/LqgR To continue the trend of Ceratopsian themed stuff on my page, here is a Triceratops I was commissioned to make. Turned out pretty similar to the Saurian one, but then again it's based on the same soft tissue impre.. 2022. 4. 11.
티라노사우루스 Beast of Mesozoic - Tyrannosaurus Rex Action Figures Here's the final sculpt of the Beasts of the Mesozoic Tyrannosaurus Rex adult! Jake Baardse did an amazing job on this sculpt and it was a real treat working with him to find a distinct look while still remaining true to what we currently know about the species. 1/35th scale Beasts of the Mesozoic Tyrannosaurus rex resin prototype! Sculpting was by Jacob Baardse, with part separation and printin.. 2022. 4. 8.
티라노사우루스 사우리안 디자인 Saurian Tyrannosaurus Design 3차 수정 Tyrannosaurus Redesign (2018) 컨설턴트 Mark Witton으로부터 받은 운명적인 메시지가 재 작업의 시작점이 됐습니다. 2017년 8월 티라노사우루스 디자인 재 작업 돌입. 작업 초반, 우리는 작업 기간이 1년 가까이 길어질 줄 예상 못했습니다. 그 결과물을 자랑스럽게 공개합니다 : 우리는 이것이 지금 현재까지 공개된 티라노사우루스 복원도 중 가장 정확한 디자인이라고 생각합니다. 다음으로 이번 대규모 프로젝트에 사용된 연구들과 디자인 프로세스를 살펴 보겠습니다. - 뼈대 SKELETON - RJ Palmer(디자이너)는 Stan 두개골 원형을 스캔해서 프린팅 한 모형을 갖고 있었으며, 그것을 두개골 기초 자료로 사용했습니다. Stan 두개골을 사용한 이유는 그것이 가장.. 2022. 3. 31.
티라노사우루스 PNSO - Tyrannosaurus 'Wilson', 'Andrea', 'Aaron' PNSO 공룡 박물관에 오신걸 환영합니다 / Welcome to the PNSO Dinosaur Museum 009. The Large Carnivorous Dinosaurs Wilson the Tyrannosaurus: Kingly Stature 'Wilson' the Tyrannosaurus kingly stature - Scientific name : Tyrannosaurus - Period : laid cretaceous - Fossils found in the united states north america - Description The head of tyrannosaurus was larger than almost any other dinosaurs had a strong body long.. 2022. 3. 20.
트리케라톱스 PNSO - Triceratops 'Doyle' PNSO 공룡 박물관에 오신걸 환영합니다 / Welcome to the PNSO Dinosaur Museum 시즌 4. 거대 초식 공룡 / Season Four, The large herbivorous dinosaurs 초식 공룡의 전사 '도일' 트리케라톱스 / Doyle the triceratops a real warrior among herbivorous dinosaurus - 학명 : 트리케라톱스 / Scientific name : Triceratops - 기간 : 후기 백악기 / Period : Late cretaceous - 화석 : 북미 서부에서 발견 / Fossils : Found in western north america - 설명 / Description : With a body leng.. 2022. 3. 19.
트리케라톱스 David Krentz - Triceratops 'Uncle Beazley' Paleoartist David Krentz used advanced ZBrush digital sculpting and 3D printing to bring out staggering detail in this massive sculpt. This piece was released in Dan's Dinosaurs in 2022. "This sculpture depicts a full grown male Triceratops horridus standing in a strong but simple pose. It is not based on any one fossil specimen but I looked at many very closely. I wanted a piece to go alongside.. 2022. 3. 17.