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팔레오아트 Paleoart56

E02 #01 '경쟁' 드레아드노우그투스 Dreadnoughtus 2편. 사막 Desert : 드레아드노우그투스 Dreadnoughtus : 타르보사우루스 Tarbosaurus : 벨로키랍토르 Velociraptor : 모노니쿠스 Mononykus : Azhdarchid : 안킬로사우루스 Ankylosaurs : Alvarezsaurs : 테리지노사우르스 Therizinosaurs : 바르바리닥틸루스 Barbaridactylus : Hadrosaur Deserts kicks off in western South America on an arid plain where a mass gathering of the giant titanosaur Dreadnoughtus have gathered to display and compete for mates. Dreadnoughtu.. 2023. 2. 27.
에이니오사우루스 Einiosaurus 에이니오사우루스 Einiosaurus Acclaimed paleoartist David Krentz presents this magnificent sculpture of "Buffalo Bill", an Einiosaurus procurvicornis. This piece depicts a young bull after winning the yearly rut, adorned with the scars of his hard-won victory. Like all resin kits, this model ships dissembled and unpainted. 1:18 Scale / 14" Length / 4 Piece Kit 2023. 2. 26.
고르고사우루스 Gorgosaurus 고르고사우루스 Gorgosaurus Acclaimed paleoartist David Krentz presents this magnificent sculpture of "Judith", a Gorgosaurus libratus. This piece depicts a full grown individual leaning into a turn while racing across a mudflat. Like all resin kits, this model ships dissembled and unpainted. Presented by renowned paleoartist David Krentz, whose work can be seen in Disney's Dinosaur, Sideshow's Dinosaur.. 2023. 2. 26.
양추아노사우루스 Yangchuanosaurus 2023. 2. 11.
[레플리카] 티라노사우루스 두개골 USNM 555000 스미스소니언 Master Replicas - Tyrannosaurus Rex (Smithsonian Fossil Replicas) Master Replicas - Tyrannosaurus Rex USNM 555000 Skull (Smithsonian Fossil Replicas) Worked with the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History to create officially licensed fossil replicas from their collection and their respective packaging materials. These ranged from full-sized t-rex skulls to small trilobites and dinosaur claws. The Nation's T-Rex, USNM 555000, is one of the most studi.. 2023. 1. 20.
E01 #04 모사사우루스 Mosasaur, 피크노돈트 Pycnodont, 암모나이트 Ammonites - Prehistoric Planet 1편. 해안 Coasts : 티라노사우루스 렉스 Tyrannosaurus Rex : 테티드라코 Tethydraco, 포스파토드라코 Phosphatodraco, 알키오네 Alcione, 바르바리닥틸루스 Barbaridactylus : 엘라스모사우루스 Elasmosaurs : 모사사우르 Mosasaur : 피크노돈트 Pycnodont (fish) : 암모나이트 Ammonites Our mosasaur sequence highlights the new, streamlined, robust-bodied look we now think correct for these animals - they were not lumpy and crocodile-like as used to be shown. I am way beh.. 2022. 12. 17.
E01 #03 '위석' '출산' 엘라스모사우루스 Elasmosaurs 'pebbles' 'birth' - Prehistoric Planet 1편. 해안 Coasts : 티라노사우루스 렉스 Tyrannosaurus Rex : 테티드라코 Tethydraco, 포스파토드라코 Phosphatodraco, 알키오네 Alcione, 바르바리닥틸루스 Barbaridactylus : 엘라스모사우루스 Elasmosaurs : 모사사우르 Mosasaur : 피크노돈트 Pycnodont (fish) : 암모나이트 Ammonites The next sequence shows elasmosaurs (a group of #plesiosaurs) swallowing pebbles. We know for sure that they did this, many specimens have pebbles preserved inside them. Some the pebbles .. 2022. 12. 17.
E01 #02 '익룡 서식지' 'Pterosaur Rookery' - Prehistoric Planet 1편. 해안 Coasts : 티라노사우루스 렉스 Tyrannosaurus Rex : 테티드라코 Tethydraco, 포스파토드라코 Phosphatodraco, 알키오네 Alcione, 바르바리닥틸루스 Barbaridactylus : 엘라스모사우루스 Elasmosaurs : 모사사우르 Mosasaur : 피크노돈트 Pycnodont (fish) : 암모나이트 Ammonites 테티드라코 Tethydraco regalis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tethydraco 포스파토드라코 Phosphatodraco mauritanicus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosphatodraco 알키오네 일아이누스 Alcione elainus https://en.wi.. 2022. 12. 16.
E01 #01 '수영' 티라노사우루스 렉스 Tyrannosaurus Rex 'Swimming' - Prehistoric Planet 1편. 해안 Coasts : 티라노사우루스 렉스 Tyrannosaurus Rex : 테티드라코 Tethydraco, 포스파토드라코 Phosphatodraco, 알키오네 Alcione, 바르바리닥틸루스 Barbaridactylus : 엘라스모사우루스 Elasmosaurs : 모사사우르 Mosasaur : 피크노돈트 Pycnodont (fish) : 암모나이트 Ammonites This is the 'Coasts' ep 1 of 5 that will be streaming one a day on Apple TV Plus. Here we go! Like all eps, Coasts was years in preparation and a huge team are behind its completion. I'll.. 2022. 12. 16.